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Is this a good math plan??? (RS to SM/BA?)


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Hi wise ladies of the Hive,

My son is starting K in the fall. He's bright and catches onto most things quickly, but we haven't done any preschool formal instruction, just lots of books with FIAR and doing life...


I'm thinking Right Start for the fall bc he's really into games and anything interactive (and it was given to us!!). I like Singapore a lot and hear great things, but my entering K son definitely doesn't have writing down (as in we haven't really started).


Would RS to Singapore/BA later be a good plan? Will that be a smooth transition? I want him to do a challenging conceptual math program that will set him up for success and a math thinker/problem solver. Does this seem like a good plan?


(We could possibly continue with RS but I think I'd like to move toward more independence with age - a lesson and some independent practice when he's in 3rd and up)

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I had one do RS A then Singapore 1, public three years, then back to Singapore and in to AOPS books.


I had one in public K, then RS B and 2/3 of C, then into BA, and now finishing Singapore 5 and will do preA next year.


I had one do a RS A/Miquon medley and then into Singapore 1B-2B, then into BA 3 and is just about to finish that.


RS gives an awesome foundation in math! Number sense, concepts of base 10, mental math skills - all are soundly built in RS. I recommend RS B to anyone who can afford it! I was fine leaving RS after B, and we are still reaping the benefits of the foundation it gave.


There is very little writing in A or B. A actually has you learning how to form the numbers as part of the program.

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We did RSA and part of RSB, then switched to SIngapore. It was not difficult to switch. In fact, after teaching the RS method, you will have a good understanding of what people refer to as the Singapore method -- it's a deeply conceptual understanding of numbers and number sense. I felt that teaching RS made it easy to teach Singapore.

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Hi wise ladies of the Hive,

My son is starting K in the fall. He's bright and catches onto most things quickly, but we haven't done any preschool formal instruction, just lots of books with FIAR and doing life...


I'm thinking Right Start for the fall bc he's really into games and anything interactive (and it was given to us!!). I like Singapore a lot and hear great things, but my entering K son definitely doesn't have writing down (as in we haven't really started).


Would RS to Singapore/BA later be a good plan? Will that be a smooth transition? I want him to do a challenging conceptual math program that will set him up for success and a math thinker/problem solver. Does this seem like a good plan?


(We could possibly continue with RS but I think I'd like to move toward more independence with age - a lesson and some independent practice when he's in 3rd and up)

Sounds great to me!

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