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Oh, blah. Will somebody please come cook dinner for me tonight?

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Or at least come look in my pantry and tell me what to make?




I have nothing thawed. I have no fresh veggies except onion, celery, and lettuce. Oh, and sweet potatoes. I think I have some leftover ham in there.


Oh, it's no use. We'll just eat . . . I don't know. Rice. People who complain won't be allowed to put soy sauce on it.

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LOL, well, with ham and sweet potatoes, you could add some spices and make a stew of sorts. Or use the potatoes with chicken, if you have any (doesn't have to be thawed, it will cook quickly once in a broth) and spices to make an Indian or African inspired stew. Onion and celery would go well in any of these concoctions. You could have a salad on the side. Serve the stew over the rice.....



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LOL, well, with ham and sweet potatoes, you could add some spices and make a stew of sorts. Or use the potatoes with chicken, if you have any (doesn't have to be thawed, it will cook quickly once in a broth) and spices to make an Indian or African inspired stew. Onion and celery would go well in any of these concoctions. You could have a salad on the side. Serve the stew over the rice.....




Uh, YUM!

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