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I don't like Social Studies!

Michelle in MO

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My three girls are enrolled in a private school this year. Although it's a good, traditional school, I have to say that I'm encountering "social studies" as part of the curriculum for the first time in seven years.




I just have to get this off my chest: I don't like "social studies"! I miss studying history in-depth with my daughter, reading through the ages chronologically, as so many classical schools and classical homeschoolers do. "Social studies" just isn't the same! Yes, she's learning about countries of the world right now, albeit in a rather haphazard manner. I don't think history is even covered, although she is learning about maps and geography, which is good.


Still, I miss studying history chronologically! I miss studying geography along with history!


Rant over. You may get back to your regularly scheduled browsing of the forums. :)

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part of the curriculum of many traditional schools; it seems to be a little bit of history, geography, and cultural awareness. Much of that is OK, but some of it is plainly "twaddle". It's not very rigorous, and it can be pretty boring! I miss doing SOTW with my youngest! I miss reading through "Famous Men of Greece" and "Famous Men of Rome" and "Famous Men of the Middle Ages" with her!


Give me some meat, not twaddle!

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"Social Studies" was invented as part of the "Progressive school movemet" in the 30's I think.


It's supposed to be somthing like Unit studies, actually.


It seems to cover one country for a while, but in no real logical manner. For instance, I really like Evan-Moor's studies on continents (available via e-books from their website). The child gets to delve into the geography of a continent in-depth. We did Africa the first year we did classical, combined with SOTW and ancient history reading. A solid geography program like Knowledge Quest maps or Around the World in 180 days, or Evan-Moor, combined with a solid history program like SOTW or Memoria Press or VP or others--that type of curriculum has "social studies" beat hands-down!

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I feel the same way. Dd is studying maps--had to make a map of the US and include parts that are on the state tests. They will be studying 4 ancient cultures--Maya, Japan, Greece and Rome. However, they won't be doing the Phonecians, the Sumerians, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Israel, Ancient China--gosh, no wonder there are gaps! She's also got to cover some economics and US government (this is 3rd grade, mind you). It's all over the place.

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