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It is 63 in my house this morning

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and I refuse to turn on the heat. Last winter I kept it on 65 during the day (sometimes I would move it up if the house felt really cold). But I do not want to turn the heat on this early in the year.


The current temp is 10 degress below normal, and it should warm back up soon. But my house stays so cold. We live in a 100 year old Victorian; it never feels warm in the winter.


So, anyone else determined not to turn on their heat?

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I would simply love for my house to be 63 degrees right now. I have the a/c turned off and the windows open and it's still at 79 degrees. I can't wait for some real cool weather. And yes, it has to get pretty cold in our apartment before I am ready to put the heater on.

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We woke up to an indoor temp of 63' two days ago. This morning we were back up to 67'. Hope the warming trend moves your way. I don't want to use the heater yet either, but for us it just means clicking the button over to heat from AC. We can click back and forth, but I prefer not to ikwim.


I'm just not ready for winter, but I'm starting to winterize the house...already.

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We haven't had had the heat on here yet either..it was chilly this morning, about 61 degres inside. I did start a small fire in the woodstove in our great room. I got rid of some of our carboard boxes and used a few sticks of wood, that heated that room up to 70 within an hour. That is it for the heat for the day though. Our sunrrom heated up nicely too (from the sun:001_smile:), so I have that door opened into our libray. If I do any baking today I will let the oven cool off after, by keeping it open a bit to help in the kitchen. I'm on a mission to not use so much oil this year...I'm taking this as a great challange to see how much I can save...I am not turning on the heat...yet...seeing how long it will take me to cave in..but when I do, I am only setting it at 62 during the day and 58 at night...please pass another sweater! good thing we all have long underwear! :D

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