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Heavy heart today


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I know school fights are sadly a regular thing but the last 2 days have been too much for me. On Wednesday, a gym teacher friend and I were talking and he mentions two expulsions at his school recently. One not related to a fight but even worse. The other was a kid basically jumping another and beating him up. He also mentions some other fights that happened at his private Christian school.


Then yesterday a 15 year old girl died at another local highschool after being jumped in a bathroom. A 15 year old died because these teens don't know how to handle a situation non-violently. Now I have no idea if the victim was a willing participant in the fight or not but still.


Then about 10 minutes after relaying that news to my gym teacher friend, who is also a martial arts instructor, a middle school girl came in to sign up for self-defense classes because she had just been jumped from behind in school by a classmate and had a video to prove it.


All these things in such a short time frame have really depressed me and I generally am not affected so emotionally by news that doesn't affect me or my loved ones directly. I think I just needed to type that out to get it off my mind.

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My younger brother was jumped when I was in High School, he was in Junior High. It happened down the street from our house and I was the only one home when he managed to crawl home. I will never ever forget the feelings of fear, terror, rage, and helplessness it caused. I get emotional every time I think about it. No one should ever have to feel those feelings. And it was all over a rather lame verbal "insult" my brother made to one kid. So, that kid got two others to help, using steel toe boots and bricks! It was horrific!


I currently live in another town, about 20 minutes away from where we grew up, and it's been 20 years, but things seem to be even worse, and it has become more common. I've also heard of new/young teachers being threatened by students here. I don't know what needs to happen, but I wish these kids were taught more respect for human life and better skills for managing their anger.



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My younger brother was jumped when I was in High School, he was in Junior High. It happened down the street from our house and I was the only one home when he managed to crawl home. I will never ever forget the feelings of fear, terror, rage, and helplessness it caused. I get emotional every time I think about it. No one should ever have to feel those feelings. And it was all over a rather lame verbal "insult" my brother made to one kid. So, that kid got two others to help, using steel toe boots and bricks! It was horrific!


I currently live in another town, about 20 minutes away from where we grew up, and it's been 20 years, but things seem to be even worse, and it has become more common. I've also heard of new/young teachers being threatened by students here. I don't know what needs to happen, but I wish these kids were taught more respect for human life and better skills for managing their anger.

That sounds awful. When I was a junior in high school, so 16, my brother 17, cousin 14, other cousin 12, and myself were attacked by 3 very muscular drunk college students. They mostly attacked my brother while one threw my cousin into oncoming traffic and then held me back. The 12 year old was thankfully untouched because i woukdnt let one if them get to him. The only thing that stopped them was that my brother saw a cinder block and picked it up. Once they saw that they bolted. These were 20 year olds beating up kids. I was the only one who could have passed for college age even though my brother was almost in college.

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I just read an article about the girl killed in the bathroom. Horrible! I was thankfully never directly involved in surging of the kind in high school but I do remember fights breaking out, one included a kid getting his head beat into the curb. It is scary!

Edited by UCF612
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