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AP courses and AP tests question

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If the student is ready for the course and exam, why not?


Basis has students taking their first AP exam in 8th grade. Private schools here let heritage speakers take the AP in their heritage language in 9th grade e.g. AP Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese. One of the private school I toured allow AP Calc in 9th if the student is ready.

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Any age, if the student is ready for it.  I currently have an 8th grader who will be sitting an AP exam this year.  My current 10th grader is taking 2 APs this year and took 1 last year.  There's no stated minimum age from the college board, so it's really just about whether the student is ready for it.  Note however some AP classes from some providers may have their own policies about minimum ages or grades -- but that applies only to that school or provider, not to AP classes/exams generically.

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Students can take AP exams as early as they would like. I know of a student who took AP Calculus as a homeschooled 5th grader last year, and AP Human Geography is offered to 9th graders in our local public school. 


Except for foreign languages, you cannot use the AP label for a course before 9th grade. There is some info here

Edited by Baile
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If your student knows the material, why wait? If you plan all of your AP tests for 11th or 12th grade, you're either going to limit the number of that you take or your going to cram a lot of tests into a two week time period which can be really stressful.

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