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And I am madder still!

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PLEASE let me vent to you guys since I am unable to go straight to the source at the moment.


My house sitters have done SO much damage to my home.


Not only have they ruined my dining room table, but they allowed their dog loose in my kitchen and my bedroom.


The dog ate the wall and ripped the wall paper off all the way up to the light switch. It is a trailer. Meaning if they don't make this particular colored panel anymore then we will have to have a peice that does not match or change the entire kitchen! Huge job! Lots of money!


In my bedroom...very near my brand new dresser and beautiful bed ...there is a peice of carpet that the dog ripped down to the fiber. As big as the heel on his tennis shoe!


There is also a deep scratch on the foot board of my bed.


We own a dog ourselves. We told them in no uncertain terms that their dog (nor my dog, or any other dog) was allowed loose in my house. A dofg is only allowed in the kitchen and only while under constant supervision. They sleep in doors at night, in their crates.


She let this dog eat two of my rooms!


AND! AND there is a foot long gash/hole in my bedroom wall! Like something fell and pushed a hole through or something!


And another small hole in my bathroom wall!


We have NO idea how these holes happened because they have managed to stay away from the house since he has been in town.


They did not have the decency to go to my dh and tell him about the damage before he found it himself, not have they told him what happened or apologized. They are just going about their daily business as if they are unaware of what they have done.


In fact, they did not even offer to help him do ANY of the work on the trailer this week. He patched the roof, fixed the fense, cleared the yard of limbs...just tons of work...and he has a bad back and breathing problems!!!!


These people are FAMILY!


And here is the hard part. MY ds HAS to confront them about this. But he has to be careful not to upset our nephews wife. Or she may decide just to go home. And we need them for two more months. But we do NOT need to come home to even MORE damage.


I am soooo ready to go home and just inspect my furniture inch by inch.


I know I sound like a big baby about my furniture but I waited YEARS to get this particular bed. It is a sleigh bed with all sorts of intricate carvings. All the other furniture is from the same set. For us it was very expensive furniture and I felt it was the only new furniture (dining room, bedroom) that we'd ever get. It is supposed to last...and we take good care of our things.


And I'm having to sit here and not run my mouth to my sister in law (my best friend and my nephew's MOM!) I think THAT is the hardest part. Not being able to talk about this to anyone!

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I'm very sorry this has happened. It has to be so frustrating.


It sounds to me, though, like you really don't need them. You're just setting yourself up for further problems!


I hope that the furniture can be repaired.


It's just very sad, and I do feel for you.

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I'm very sorry this has happened. It has to be so frustrating.


It sounds to me, though, like you really don't need them. You're just setting yourself up for further problems!


I hope that the furniture can be repaired.


It's just very sad, and I do feel for you.


I really do need them. I wish I didn't. I have 4 cats and a dog. For them to be taken care of properly someone has to be there. Thanks though.

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Is there any one else you could count on instead of them?


Nope. :banghead:


Either I don't trust them to take care of my pets, or to not go through my things, or they live to far ...you know...no one else will work.


Or I'd be getting someone new right now. I wish I could just go home!


Not an option though. Not for TWO more months!

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Does your dh have access to a camera? He needs to document this. All of it. I know they're family, but this is CRIMINAL! There has to be legal recourse for you of some kind. At the very least, you'll have to tell your insurance company. You may even want dh to call them up right away and ask for help.


It's too bad you can't have your pets boarded somewhere, even if it's expensive. Some nice big ranch out in horse country somewhere??? Maybe the insurance co. could reimburse you?


I don't care if they're family. At this point, I'd be calling the cops. No making nicey nice with the nephew's mom, either. I would be so ashamed if one of my kids did this to anyone, much less to do it to family. I would have my own kid's head on a platter.

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Does your dh have access to a camera? He needs to document this. All of it. I know they're family, but this is CRIMINAL! There has to be legal recourse for you of some kind. At the very least, you'll have to tell your insurance company. You may even want dh to call them up right away and ask for help.


It's too bad you can't have your pets boarded somewhere, even if it's expensive. Some nice big ranch out in horse country somewhere??? Maybe the insurance co. could reimburse you?


I don't care if they're family. At this point, I'd be calling the cops. No making nicey nice with the nephew's mom, either. I would be so ashamed if one of my kids did this to anyone, much less to do it to family. I would have my own kid's head on a platter.


Ok...I AM furious at this. But .... not quite THIS furious. I know, surely there is an explanation for the holes in the walls. And I am sure it was an accident. It is a trailer and you can be lifting something heavy across a room and if it bumps a wall...it will punch right through. I always say I'm living in a cardboard house. The thing that makes me mad about it is that they didn't bother to tell us about it.


The pet damage because of the dog is what what pushes me over the edge. I feel like yelling at them for that.


Me and his mom...my sister in law DON'T play nice. :tongue_smilie: Humph, the reason I'm not telling her about all this is becuase she'd march straight over there and let those kids have it.


My dad used to do that to me...go tell family members about me rather than confronting me with issues...so I'm keeping my mouth shut about it.


We've talked about calling our insurance. If we can match the panels that are busted and not have to replace entires rooms of walls it won't be too expensive.


Boarding pets is soooooooo expensive. Noway we could afford that.


He is just going to talk to them, point out all the damage and ask if he can count on them to be more careful and keep the dogs out of the house!!

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I know that you have thought through every option, but I'm mad enough for you to want to hash through them again.


Tell me why y'all aren't at home? Dh has a job somewhere else? Why can't you go home with the kids?? It might be cheaper to board your animals than to continue paying for the damage that has been done.


Do any of us live near you???

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I know that you have thought through every option, but I'm mad enough for you to want to hash through them again.


Tell me why y'all aren't at home? Dh has a job somewhere else? Why can't you go home with the kids?? It might be cheaper to board your animals than to continue paying for the damage that has been done.


Do any of us live near you???


It feels good to have someone be angry with me. :001_smile: But I do love these people.


Yes, my dh is working in CA until the end of November. We have been here since the first of July. He flew home to take care of Ike damage. He cannot fly back then drive us home, then drive back. His job is really picking up now that it is in the later stages and he has to be here. I don't do airplanes. And I don't want to be seperated from him anyway for two months. Our family being together is more important to me. This week has been horrible without him!


Tonight he is going to have a talk with them. And once he has done that I am going to have friends and family start popping in on them just to check out the house. Too expensive to board 5 pets. Plus they would all have to be taken to the vet before they could even be boarded. The pets that are boarded have to have some shots that we (won't) don't do since my cats are indoor only and not exposed to other cats, ever.


We do have insurance... so if there is enough damage we will contact them about it. Otherwise we will just fix it and have learned a huge lesson. Noone is going to take care of your home and your things like you do yourself.


(Oh! They were dumping the contents of the litter boxes in the back yard!!!!!!!!! OMG! Thank goodness we don't use clumping litter. He did already address this. The nephews wife was horrified at my nephew. She had no idea. The thought of her dog eating cat cr*p and litter did not sit well with her.Thank goodness!)

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