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Math U See Algebra 1

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I've read posts about MUS Algebra 1 not being very rigorous or thorough, unless you also complete their Algebra 2 as well.


Ds will be using a public virtual school next year for 8th grade, as we're not sure what we're doing for high school yet. Our state is 'all or nothing' for high school, and he will take algebra and our state's history in 8th grade. I want to be sure he doesn't have to repeat those in 9th if he ends up attending public high school.


Anyway, the school offers Math U See Algebra 1 or Saxon Algebra 1 for 8th graders. Ds is currently doing MUS Prealgebra and doing well. Ds does not like math at all. It has caused many tears over the years, and I feel like he's finally understanding it this year with MUS. We have used Saxon in the past with a lot of frustration. I don't really want to use Saxon again but am concerned using just MUS Algebra 1 won't be thorough enough for him. He wouldn't be continuing MUS past algebra. The virtual school uses online classes for high school.


For those with experience, will just MUS be ok? Is there something we could supplement with that would help?

Edited by Bethany Grace
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If math is a weaker subject for him and he is taking alg as an 8th grader, why not have him take the MUS alg 1 course in 8th grade and repeat it at school in 9th. The repetition will help solidify his alg skills.


Fwiw, all of my kids have used MUS alg followed by another alg text, even my really strong math students. I have never regretted the decision of making sure their alg foundation has been rock solid before moving on. For a student lacking math confidence and complete mastery, it is doubly important to not rush forward.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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If math is a weaker subject for him and he is taking alg as an 8th grader, why not have him take the MUS alg 1 course in 8th grade and repeat it at school in 9th. The repetition will help solidify his alg skills.


Fwiw, all of my kids have used MUS alg followed by another alg text, even my really strong math students. I have never regretted the decision of making sure their alg foundation has been rock solid before moving on. For a student lacking math confidence and complete mastery, it is doubly important to not rush forward.

Another vote to do MUS Alg 1 in 8th, followed by Algebra 1 in 9th using another/more rigorous text.
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There is a really great review by The old school house magazine crew about MUS for high school. It talks about how there are things not covered in MUS algebra are covered in other hs algebra texts but that the reverse is also true. It now also include a lot of enrichment/honors pages that make it more complete. It might be worth reading to ease your fears. I just googled MUS algebra.

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There is a really great review by The old school house magazine crew about MUS for high school. It talks about how there are things not covered in MUS algebra are covered in other hs algebra texts but that the reverse is also true. It now also include a lot of enrichment/honors pages that make it more complete. It might be worth reading to ease your fears. I just googled MUS algebra.

Thanks, I'll take a look at it. We're using the newest version of MUS prealgebra with the honors pages integrated, and I'm really happy with it. So, MUS algebra may be fine as well. I suppose worst case scenario is that he takes algebra twice. I took it both in 8th and again in 9th and am glad I did. Having that solid base in algebra helped in higher math classes.

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If it helps you at all.....


We are using MUS pre-Calculus.  Dd wanted more explanations for trignometry.  We searched online and used various resources, but nothing really fit the bill for her.  We started it the first week in Jan. and, as of today, have 10 lessons left.  She has been pleased with the additional instruction and the way the subjects are taught.  She has had several "aha" moments and I keep hearing her say that things just make sense now.  I"m not sure if this is a "just letting the info percolate" thing or hearing the concepts explained differently thing.  But, it is working.  Now, she has done considerable pre-Calculus using other texts and online.  But, again, this is working well.  She has asked for MUS Calculus for next year.  We will also be doing physics next year which will be math heavy

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If he's finally understanding math with MUS, I'd stick with it.  I had a similar experience this year with my dd.  MUS Algebra just clicks with her.  She's visual and big picture, and I honestly feel like she's learning the concepts in a deeper way than her "more rigorous" Horizons Algebra textbook.  Deep is where she's at, with her big picture thinking.


So I stay, stick with MUS.

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