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Poll... Have you contacted your representatives regarding the bailout plan?

Have you contacted your representatives regarding the bailout plan?  

  1. 1. Have you contacted your representatives regarding the bailout plan?

    • Yes, I've contacted my senators and congressman/woman.
    • Nope, haven't contacted anyone.
    • Other. I am sending telepathic messages. Or something.

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I enjoyed taking the time to do this a few days ago. I mentioned to one of our congressman that I would be voting for his opponent if he voted "Yes" -- and lo, and behold, he voted "No." It really surprised me (not that he listened to ME, lol, but that he voted No).


I love seeing it noted in the news reports that the emails of the public made a/the difference.

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I contacted my Congresswoman (a democrat) and thanked her for voting "no" on Monday. She is up for reelection this November and I let her know that she earned my vote by standing up to her party and voting no (I'm a republican).


I contacted my Senators and my Congresswoman today and made sure they were working!!! I urged them all to make sure a Bill was prepared to be voted on for Thursday and told them I expected them to see to it the new bill contained a lot of what was preposed in the Republican Alternative Plan that was presented last Thursday. I let them know my main concerns were Changing the "mark to market" accounting rules, lowering or suspending the capital gains tax, and insuring (instead of buying) the mortgages. I was pleased with the responses from all three offices. I was told by all of them that they would make sure my Reps knew.


I'm sure that's the way they are trained to answer, but really what else could I do today? Well, besides sitting on the computer chatting with you! Homeschooling was out of the question for me today, my kids did independant work.


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I'm curious, as a lot of people here have very strong opinions about this. Not me of course. Just wondering who's put their pen where their mouth is, so to speak.

DH ran into our rep at DFW Airport Monday night and they spoke briefly about the bailout. It was great timing as DH wanted to email him and convey our thoughts on the issue.

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