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Ethusiasm for college


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If your son was accepted to his top college, offered great aid, but showed little ethusiasm, mostly out of fear for the challenge ahead; how did he fair once he was there? And not only is he uncertain of the academic output, he's not sure what he wants to major in. If you have experience in this, how did it play out?

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I got into my dream school, barely.  Aid wasn't an issue since state schools were cheap at the time (I know, right!).  The night before I was to leave for college I woke my dad up in the middle of the night because I was terrified I would fail.  "It's a top Univ, everyone's going to be smarter than me, I'm going to fail, arghhh!"


He talked me down from the cliff.

I did fine.


I think it's pretty common.

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Every kid is different of course.


Mine was that way. He got in to two selective schools, but would have had to take out significant loans, which he didn't want to do. He was just so reluctant and intimidated.


We had a heart-to-heart, and he decided to go to the local community college. About that time we began to talk about a major he was considering, and neither of the schools were strong in that major. The community college had a transfer agreement that would take him to a Top 25 school in that major. We burned the midnight oil and got the scholarship application in the day before it was due. He got an excellent merit scholarship.


He loves his major and that school. It's been a great transition for him, some familiar and some new experiences. As it turned out, he had a significant sports injury in the fall that has required a surgery each semester followed by months of PT. It was good that I could get him to doctors that we had strong recommendations on and that I could help with some of the driving and logistics. Through all of this he has pulled straight A's.


For us at least, the selective school away from home was not the best choice.


My younger one has watched all of this, and as it turns out, her planned major at this point has a similar path. No loans required, and a straight path from the community college to a school that is one of the best in her field. So we'll do it again next May.


Just to point out that there are many paths...

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Ds did this. He got into his first choice school with the merit aid necessary for him to go there. Then he started talking about not going to college. Ds did have a major in mind, but really didn't have a career in mind, so he started saying college would be a waste of time. It was nerves talking.


How it has played out (so far).


• We convinced him to go on a semester by semester basis. Try it. You aren't committing to 4-years, you are committing to 4 months.

• He liked school and dorm life once he got there. He has multiple LD's but has chosen not to use the accommodations he was granted and has had some challenges.

• He took a class that he loved and was able to see how changing his major would allow him to pursue a similar career and for the first time really sees a career plan ahead.

• He is now double majoring and planning to get a degree. He has a career in mind and his degree(s) will be very helpful. He enjoys school overall.

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((apprentice))  ((apprentice's DS))


Is he comfortable enough to have committed to the school?  Or is he putting it on the backburner?  Does he show enthusiasm in other areas? 


I wouldn't worry about it unless it hinders decision making and moving forward.  My DS is stoic and we never did see the "OMG, this is really happening" reaction.  He's doing well at his school and wants to remain there another year and I have to accept that for what it is.



Edited by ScoutermominIL
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I'm taking comfort in your replies. He has committed to his college choice, we have made the deposit. Still showing no outward excitement. He will be going the acceptance weekend next week, and I am hoping this will "light a spark", at least a little. And yes, he shows enthusiasm for gaming.

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I'm taking comfort in your replies. He has committed to his college choice, we have made the deposit. Still showing no outward excitement. He will be going the acceptance weekend next week, and I am hoping this will "light a spark", at least a little. And yes, he shows enthusiasm for gaming.


Are you sure you aren't talking about my ds?


That was exactly what I was thinking this time last year. The freshman day helped a little, but not as much as I'd hoped. Hang in there.

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