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Me! I'll be there...but first, let me ask a question to all you horsey folks..


I have a rescue (TWH out of Shelbyville..need I say more) that has come MILES...we could not even touch him when he first came to us...I'm taking it slow and he's now whinnying for me and letting me rub him all over, hey, he's even dropping for me so I can clean that bean out! :)


But, we're really wanting to work with my quarter horse on riding (she's been a trail horse for a while but really needed ground work on up)..but when I put her in the round pen (just a play pen really, but the TWH can't get in unless he wants to jump a 4' post)...and put a rider on her (my daughter) he goes nuts...he panics, he is sooo buddy sour..while I was leading my daughter around a turn, I didn't realize she was letting Dutch smell her foot and then he went for her leg and gave her a pinch with his teeth...he's done this with our quarter horse but never a human...


My approach is just to wait until we sell our other home so we can afford our instructor to come to the barn and have her work with Lena, while I get Dutch worked on groundwork to keep his mind in thinking mode instead of endorphin mode...


But, until then, are there tips you can give me that would help him cope with us working with his buddy? I will eventually get a third horse but can't afford it until we sell the house...would love any help...he's been so abused that I am trying to balance his fear with I don't know what! The farrier took 4 hours to trim his feet and now it only takes 30-45 minutes, he has come a looong way so I don't know if it just needs time or I need to change something I'm doing...



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Me! I'll be there...but first, let me ask a question to all you horsey folks..


I have a rescue (TWH out of Shelbyville..need I say more) that has come MILES...we could not even touch him when he first came to us...I'm taking it slow and he's now whinnying for me and letting me rub him all over, hey, he's even dropping for me so I can clean that bean out! :)


But, we're really wanting to work with my quarter horse on riding (she's been a trail horse for a while but really needed ground work on up)..but when I put her in the round pen (just a play pen really, but the TWH can't get in unless he wants to jump a 4' post)...and put a rider on her (my daughter) he goes nuts...he panics, he is sooo buddy sour..while I was leading my daughter around a turn, I didn't realize she was letting Dutch smell her foot and then he went for her leg and gave her a pinch with his teeth...he's done this with our quarter horse but never a human...


My approach is just to wait until we sell our other home so we can afford our instructor to come to the barn and have her work with Lena, while I get Dutch worked on groundwork to keep his mind in thinking mode instead of endorphin mode...


But, until then, are there tips you can give me that would help him cope with us working with his buddy? I will eventually get a third horse but can't afford it until we sell the house...would love any help...he's been so abused that I am trying to balance his fear with I don't know what! The farrier took 4 hours to trim his feet and now it only takes 30-45 minutes, he has come a looong way so I don't know if it just needs time or I need to change something I'm doing...




Could you stable him and give him a food snack? Eating generally takes MY mind off my worries. :D If not stabling, how about tying him to a fence with some hay nearby?


I'm going on the Ray Hunt 'make the right thing easy and wrong thing difficult' theory. Dutch is scared. Help him develop his confidence and trust that his friend isn't going away forever...leaving him at the mercy of the Purple Horse Eating Demons....alone and friendless....


It's tough being a horse.

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I want to join but where, how, etc? Is this a subgroup here or a different group or ????


Today I went out riding with my girls. Problem is that they have to share their 30 year old gelding and he can only ride about 1 hour at a time. That meant that 1 girl ran along for the first 1/2 hour, then the switched and the 2nd dd ran while the 1st one rode. It was BEAUTIFUL out though. The leaves are chaning colors and it was about 70 degrees.

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Go to social groups on your profile and join from there.


I didn't come up with StableMinds on my own, it's a message board. For non horse related topics they call themselves UnStableMinds.


And on a horse related topic, I RODE MY ARABIAN TODAY! Yes, I'm shouting. I saddled her up and took her to the round pen to warm her up and she bucked clear around twice.


You gotta love those Ayrabs!

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Thanks. I figured it out. Now, does it tell us when there are new messages or do I have to check there? I am behind the techie times here.


I DID though ride an Arabian last weekend. I took 13dd to a parent/child horse camp weekend. We went on 2 trail rides, had a riding lesson, messed with the herd, she drove a draft team, we did some team penning, and she even when horse tubing (horse pulling the innertube in the sand arena).


On our first ride they asked who had ridden ever (a few had never been on a horse) and who rode a few times, and on up. Well, I ended up being given the ALPHA mare, a 14.3hh Arabian. I guess that is because I own my own horse---NOT due to the fact that I am an advanced rider at all (still a beginner). Normally she was a staff horse but they needed another horse and figured I could handle her. We headed out but I had NO stirrups as they said we would just be walking so we were fine without them. Well, she spooked pretty big but I stayed on. 13dd was riding the tallest horse they had---here we have the shortest child there on the tallest horse and beginner mom on the head horse (trying to keep her at the back of the trail string).


Overall, dd rode 8 different horses and I rode 4 different ones. Just made me appreciate my guy at home.

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