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With my first, I think it was tEa. I had a bunch of contractions but was unsure it was real labor then I decided to wake up ex-not dh and my water broke. get to the hospital and the contractions stopped. Pitocin it was. 7lbs15oz. and 20in. Roughly 38 weeks.


With my second, my brother gave me a chair massage. I stood up to answer the door and my water broke! Still had to be induced, though, cause no contractions. 7lbs.15oz. and 19in. Roughly 38 weeks.


With third, I was making dinner on his due date and it just built from there. He was born 28 mins. past his due date and weighed a whopping 10lbs.5oz. and measured almost 22in. long! 40 weeks 30 mins. The doc nearly passed out when the nurse announced Baby's size!


With fourth, I had strong contractions all day but no dilation. I had the same doc as number 3. I think he started the Pitochin because he was terrifed of my having another 3 month old! albs. 15oz and 19in. 36 weeks 4 days.


With dd, it was a planned induction at a few days past 38 weeks. She was still 9lbs5oz and about 20in!

Edited by Paradox5
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I never went into labor except with the third. Scheduled c sections due to complications. Number 3 I think it was teA and also carrying my 6 year old around the grocery store :). I also did lots of other errands. My complete sympathy as this birth is fresh enough in my mind to remember the absolute loathing I have for pregnancy.

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Well, Scalini's Italian Restaurant in Marietta GA is supposed to have an eggplant parmesan that does the trick.  ;)




It didn't work for me but it was still really yummy. I walked...I walked a lot. That didn't seem to do the trick. I wasn't on board for any of the other "tricks". I wish you the best. My youngest came two weeks late in late August. It was miserable, but I'm sure you know how much it's worth the wait.  Best of luck to you.

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Well, baby #3 was three weeks overdue, and we were absolutely certain of his conception date.  His placenta checked out fine on an ultrasound when he was two weeks overdue, so we waited. 


Every time I walked I would go into small contractions. When I'd stop, they would stop.  Argghhh!


Two bottles of herbs did nothing.  Stripping the membranes did nothing.  Walking an entire morning at the park did nothing.  TeA and stim did nothing, and it wasn't for lack of, ahem, practice in the latter. 


Finally, on a Sat aftn. I took castor oil.  All that did was...well...annoying.


At 10pm Sat night, my water broke, and ds was born within 40 minutes. His arrival beat the midwife by about 5 minutes, and fortunately dh remembered the shoulder dystocia instructions from 7 years prior (our first birthing class). 


So, if you're desperate, and it's truly time, the castor oil will probably work within a few hours.



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With my 1st the doctor told me there was no way he was coming anytime soon. Two days later my water broke, he was 2 weeks early.


With my 2nd, I got stuck trying to fit in a tight booth at a restaurant. My husband had dropped me at the door while he parked. He came inside to discover me bawling while two college students tried to figure out what in the world to do with me. Labor started while I was there, but she didn't show up until well over 24 hours later. She was born right on time and came home on her due date.


With my third my OB was fine with letting me wait things out. My son took his sweet time. At 41 weeks my OB stripped my membranes, without warning! It was painful but I did go into labor later that day.


OP I hope these last few days go quickly!

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I am always a day or two late, or maybe just on time, and the last two weeks are always *miserable*.  With my second daughter, I tried every trick in the book - right down to some sort of weird ankle massage I saw on youtube.  When she finally did come (the day after the ankle thing), it took all of 2 hours from start of labor until delivery of baby, and because of that I got no epidural.  I have a very low pain tolerance.  It was...extreme.


Anyway, all that to say, good luck on having the baby soon!  But don't do that massage thing.

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