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6 year old + toddler = banging my head

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A toddler is a handful, we all know that... but DD makes it so much worse! She refuses to play in a room or area by herself, then gets mad when he steals her toys. She lays on the floor and then screams when he climbs on her or pulls her hair. If he is on the couch, she sits 3 inches away from him with her food (he doesn't have his yet) then repeatedly smacks his hand away. She woke him up and would not let him finish his nap 3 times last week!! Then the whole rest of the day is ruined by a cranky toddler. She leaves the refrigerator open and runs out of the room (I am in the bathroom and I hear her leave) at the last minute so that I find him with a spilled pot of soup and broken eggs. She locked him in the room with the cat and when he got scratched (duh) she tells me he is crying about something else. I repeatedly told her to let him out. I had just finished getting the laundry from upstairs and they were still up there. I was downstairs sitting down feeling like I was going to pass out. I am getting over the flu. The real flu... not a cold that I think is the flu. Anyway. This week... I just want her to behave!! I just want to not have to scream at her every 2 minutes. I want to be able to be quiet for a short time!!


I used to have a daycare. I had an 18 month old and a seven year old bro and sister, and a 15 month old and 4 and a half year old bro and sister. They were not this much work at all!!! WHY are mine!!!


Hugs, sympathy, advice, etc. all welcome.

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I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope you feel better soon.


It sounds like your dd needs to be tomato-staked big time. I'd even take her to the bathroom with you because you can't trust her with the baby right now. (I wouldn't tell her that.) I would try to involve her in big girl ways of helping with the baby. Praise her up and down if she does something nice and helpful with the baby. I would make a big issue of obedience - if you tell her to sit quietly and read some books for 10 minutes, then she needs to do that. I would make sure that the consequences are well thought out and communicated to her and followed through. And I would make sure that I didn't require her to do more than she genuinely has capacity to do (ie. I would make the ind. reading time only 10 min. instead of an hour esp. at first).

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I agree with Jean, except I *would* tell her that she has to come to the bathroom with me because I can't trust her with the baby. I think it's important for her to know that. You don't have to be mean, but you can say, "Well, last time I went to the bathroom without you, you left the refrigerator open and the baby spilled a lot of food and made a big mess. Since I can't trust you to shut the refrigerator, you have to come with me." I think honesty is appropriate.


I also agree with the tomato staking. Not the spanking and such that comes from that website, but keeping her with you so you can work on her behavior at the moment it occurs.


If you know she's heard what you told her, don't repeat it. Tell her, "I've already told you that. Now do your work." If she doesn't get a response, she will (probably) stop. The key is to remain calm, which is where I struggle after having my buttons pushed constantly.


I came here from your other thread, so I will go back now. :)


:grouphug: I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.

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I feel for you! I have a 6yob an almost 4 yog and a 15mo g....It's BUSY. I have a small home 1500sf which makes it easy to keep track of everyone, so I'm practically tomato staking by default! Ha ha... I like the suggestions. I have found success with my oldest's strong personality and my middle's ability to whine and cry at rosemond.com He'll answer your emailed questions - WOW! I did have to pay $19 for it 3 years ago, but I got my $19 worth of questions... He has many practical, non spanking suggestions that are very clever - in fact he says he steals his ideas from older grandmas that he was around as a boy (and he's a granpa now, so he's been around a while.)

Hang in there. Nothing makes me feel like quitting homeschool more than my own kids - I'm pathetic! :tongue_smilie:

Michele in rainy PA

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