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Urgent prayer request!

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

The college of William and Mary has recieved anonymous threats of violence for Sunday the 28. The FBI is investigating.


My ds is there. I think someone else on these boards has a child there also.


Luckily ds has plans to come home for the day on Sunday, but why should we trust that someone that disturbed won't decide to pick another day?


I'm supposed to sleep tonight?

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Oh, that is really troubling, Dawn.

But you know that the authorities will take it really seriously and they'll have all available security on hand until they find the person who made the threats. I hope you'll be able to rest. I just prayed for all of you. :grouphug:

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That is really scary. The good news is that generally when someone plans to do something horrible, they don't go alerting authorities about it ahead of time. Generally, they plan it so silently that everyone is totally surprised when it happens. Take heart and know that God is with them and will take are of them.


When I was in college, we got a bomb threat in the humanities building daily. It was absurd...but that was in a time when thoughts of violence in school still were...absurd. :(

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