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I'm such a dunce with new things. I don't get it.

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You can still post, reply to a post, rate a thread, private message other members who do not have pm'ing disabled, etc.


What is the "everything" that you want to be part of? People's private conversations? Childish maneuvers to rack up a high friendship count and re-establish or start new cliques? Speaking as one who mostly is outside looking in with her nose pressed to the window, I rather enjoy the humor and irony of it all.


:iagree: There are some useful things to do with the features, but it is the same as rep and post count. We can be jealous when we see someone with a lot, or we can let it roll off our backs and realize that is not what we use these forums for. (FWIW: My post count gets high when I have a sick nursling.)

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This is so totally demoralizing. I'm an introvert, too, and I know I'm just going to be excluded from everything. Why can't we just talk?


I hope I can keep posting and keep reading, even if I don't have a friend in the world.




Smile, Eeyore, you can do it! With or without a silly friends list, you are still welcome to type and read. And the more you type and read, the more friends you'll have. If you want them, but keep in mind that having a "friend meter" on the board is just a 'for fun' thing. Don't take it too seriously.:)

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... the purpose of contacts, friends and social groups seems to be to replace the rep toy, and still placate the desperate need for validation by total strangers.


Hey, I resemble that remark! It's not a need, it's an irrational desire. I can stop any time. Really. Whenever I want. But until I want to stop desiring superficial validation, I appreciate any and all placating. :tongue_smilie:

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My thoughts exactly. I'm trying to play along, agreeing to be friends when asked because, well, that just seems like the right thing to do. (I've not yet figured out how to ask others to be my friends, or whether there's any reason to do so.) Because I don't like not understanding, I want to "get" these new features, but they seem rather...well...Let's just say "invite only" social groups are just wa-a-ay to Heathers for me. (Apologies to all you very nice Heathers out there.;)) I mean, for goodness sake. What's the point of a private circle with public conversation? I hereby vow not to join any "invite only" social groups, but I confess I'd like to know how such features are supposed to be "upgrades".



Hey Colleen, about these new social groups in general - I just figured out that the only way you can access the "social groups" board is from your own UCP. In other words, the general public can't read the threads on the social groups board unless they register first, and what's more is the general public doesn't even know that this "behind the scenes" board even exists. I guess this is like Sonlight's boards that are not accessible to the general public. I can see eventually some people taking their conversations there because they just don't want their threads "flamed". Maybe that's the reason why some could be invite only - for example, maybe a group would like to discuss teaching creationism without having to debate with contrarians. The reformed faith folks have started a group. I don't know if it's invite only or open to the public, but I could definitely see them making it invite only if someone were to come into their group and start talking about how flawed their theology was (which is definitely a risk when you talk about this sort of thing on the gen board).


At first I was skeptical of the social groups, probably because of the title more than anything, but now that I see it is a way to have a private thread not open to the general public, and a way for a few likeminded folks to talk specifically about an issue important to them without having to debate/defend their position... I'm mor eoptimistic about it now. It will be interesting to watch it unfold and see how it ends up being used.

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Anyone else have trouble with the server being busy since we got these upgrades?


Yes, I get the busy message all the time now over and over again. Also, moving from page to page has gotten very slow! If it keeps up this way I won't be able to be on the board as much. These problems occur mostly at night when I actually do have the time to really read them.

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I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:


I came back from vacation and everything is different. :confused: I didn't even know about the friends thing until someone posted that she felt bad because she only had one friend. I poked around to see what she was talking about, and found that I have no friends. I wish I didn't know about it.

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I came back from vacation and everything is different. :confused: I didn't even know about the friends thing until someone posted that she felt bad because she only had one friend. I poked around to see what she was talking about, and found that I have no friends. I wish I didn't know about it.


I looked for you, but I couldn't find you. I ask people I notice online, unless they ask me first. I'm missing some critical people, though, and the name changes with the board change Do Not Help. :glare:

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I came back from vacation and everything is different. :confused: I didn't even know about the friends thing until someone posted that she felt bad because she only had one friend. I poked around to see what she was talking about, and found that I have no friends. I wish I didn't know about it.



Lizzie - I think we were at Disney together. We were there from the 15 - 20. Yea - I'm VERY confused right now about everything on here. I just haven't had time to figure it all out! I'd add you to my friends list, but I don't know how!!! LOL

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I mean, who else really wants to hear about what materials one can use to help children understand the purpose of The Royal Hours? Very very focused, and the boards in general have gotten so big that I would never see the question--it would fly by too fast--or be able to find it when I wanted it a year later.


Exactly. I hope the groups will be used for this sort of thing.


I'm even thinking about creating a couple of recipes groups so that we can post and keep all those great WTM recipes in one spot that's easy to find! Not that anyone flames recipe threads, though :).


I hope you get sincere participants for your orthodox group.

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Lizzie - I think we were at Disney together. We were there from the 15 - 20. Yea - I'm VERY confused right now about everything on here. I just haven't had time to figure it all out! I'd add you to my friends list, but I don't know how!!! LOL


We were there from the 20th to 26th. Debbie in OR and Stacey in LA were there too, but we weren't able to hook up. I did get to see a cousin who lives in Sarasota.


That was our first Disney trip, with the exception that dh spent a day in Epcot in the fall of 1990. We had a great time and I think we might even go back in a few years. I had a serious case of sensory overload though. One night I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes I could hear all the noise as if I were still in the parks. One morning in the shower, when I closed my eyes I could feel and see people around me. After we got home, I was sitting at the computer reading my email and I kept feeling like I was moving.


I'll see if I can figure out how to ask you to be my friend. :D

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