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What are some charities that help families with toys for Christmas?

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I've come to the harsh reality that we may not be able to afford Christmas for my dc this year. If I can put my pride aside long enough I would like to see if I could sign my dc up for a toy drive. I've never done this before so I don't even how to go about doing this. I know around Christmas time department store have tree where you pick a name off of it and buy for that child but where do those names come from? Does the salvation army do something like this?


I didn't even want to ask this question but seeing the dissapointment on my dc faces last year was enough to make me consider it this year.



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Toys for Tots


Also, do you attend a church? Sometimes the pastor will coordinate gift-giving by the congregation to needy families for Christmas.


edited to add:

I know around Christmas time department store have tree where you pick a name off of it and buy for that child but where do those names come from? Does the salvation army do something like this?


Yes they do. Here's what they say:


Angel Giving Tree - Each Christmas, The Salvation Army can be spotted in malls across America standing next to Christmas trees decorated with little angel tags. Each tag holds the Christmas wishes of a child whose family is being served by The Salvation Army. It is through the public's generosity that these children have gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.


My guess is that you should contact your local Salvation Army.

Edited by CookieMonster
found info on the salvation army
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Our pastor always checks with Social Services to see if they have any families who need help. I don't know if they would help if you're not enrolled in a program, but it's worth a call.


And don't worry about being on the receiving end of these programs. You're a good mom to consider it.



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Social Services in your area is a good place to start.


Our Tae Kwon Do school always adopts several families at Christmas from a list that social services gives us, and we all chip in to purchase everything on their list (along with gift cards to the local grocery store -- most of the time, the grocery store donates them for free so we can give them multiple cards -- that way, they can shop for several weeks of free groceries)

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