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Writing a novel for English credit

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Ds did this two years. We used OYAN and Other Worlds. He also did NaNoWriMo every year during high school. I gave him a full credit the two years he used OYAN (and wrote a second novel during NaNoWriMo). However, I did want to point out that I gave that credit as an elective creative writing credit. I still had him do an English credit too. We used Excellence in Lit which is a moderate program with more time spent reading than writing. It was a good combination because it kept him reading and thinking about his reading without overloading the writing since he was already writing creatively every day.

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Dd just signed up for BW's Passion for Fiction course. I have no review yet, obviously, but have high hopes.


FutureLearn  has some free online creative writing courses.




We'll also be counting Creative Writing - focused on writing her own novels - as elective credit and doing other English stuff for 9th grade.

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Dd just signed up for BW's Passion for Fiction course. I have no review yet, obviously, but have high hopes.



Ds did this one too. He was very disappointed. I think he'd done too much fiction writing already. He didn't feel he gained anything from it at all.

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Ds did this one too. He was very disappointed. I think he'd done too much fiction writing already. He didn't feel he gained anything from it at all.


How old was your ds when he did the class? How much writing had he already done?

Shannon is 13, and although she's been working on her own writing projects this school year, she hasn't finished a novel yet, she has a few in progress.  She really loves the world-building side of things and that's where more of her time has gone, rather than plot. So I think she'll still have things to learn from the class.  Anyway, it's just 4 weeks! So even if not, it isn't a huge time commitment - that's one thing I like about BW classes, although they are pricey.



My daughter just signed up for Passion for Fiction also. She just finished the Write your own Greek Myth with the same teacher and really enjoyed her.


That's good to hear!

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My dd did this one year in hs.  We didn't use a program; she just did it.  I felt confident enough in my skills to know how to guide her.  I felt her writing was at a level too, where it would be most beneficial for her to just sit down and let it flow.


I supplemented it with some additional (but unrelated) vocabulary and grammar exercises, which I thought would be helpful to her writing, and also to help prepare for the SAT.

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How old was your ds when he did the class? How much writing had he already done?

Shannon is 13, and although she's been working on her own writing projects this school year, she hasn't finished a novel yet, she has a few in progress.  She really loves the world-building side of things and that's where more of her time has gone, rather than plot. So I think she'll still have things to learn from the class.  Anyway, it's just 4 weeks! So even if not, it isn't a huge time commitment - that's one thing I like about BW classes, although they are pricey.


I think he was 15 and had already done a year of OYAN and 4 or 5 years of NaNoWriMo. Your dd is probably in a good place for it. I was hoping the feedback would be helpful for him. He enjoyed the positive comments, but just didn't find any challenge. We probably just did it too late.

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