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You know what else would be fun?

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This occurred to me from the other thread.......have your children act out the worst homeschooling stereotypes.


Go somewhere with them dressed in prarie dresses with their hair in braids to their waists. Dress the boys like super nerds.


Have your really big kids hide behind you and scream when someone addresses them.


Let them shout out in public places "MOM, that person LOOKED at me!"


I'm sure there's got to be lots more, but I doubt I could talk mine into actually doing it.

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My son has been drawing looks and comments when we go out recently. I am thinking that it may be something to do with the crown and cape that he insists on wearing every waking moment for the last couple of weeks.


Maybe that big focus on King Arthur and on Narnia wasn't such a great idea? He insists on being called King... and I have been informed that his brothers are princes but that I can't be the Queen Mother as I am the cleaning lady. :001_huh:

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This occurred to me from the other thread.......have your children act out the worst homeschooling stereotypes.


Go somewhere with them dressed in prarie dresses with their hair in braids to their waists. Dress the boys like super nerds.


Have your really big kids hide behind you and scream when someone addresses them.


Let them shout out in public places "MOM, that person LOOKED at me!"


I'm sure there's got to be lots more, but I doubt I could talk mine into actually doing it.


LOL...do it.

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My son has been drawing looks and comments when we go out recently. I am thinking that it may be something to do with the crown and cape that he insists on wearing every waking moment for the last couple of weeks.


Maybe that big focus on King Arthur and on Narnia wasn't such a great idea? He insists on being called King... and I have been informed that his brothers are princes but that I can't be the Queen Mother as I am the cleaning lady. :001_huh:




I LOVE that! You should be sure to tell him, though, that you ARE the queen and he should have no doubt in his mind that you deserve to be treated as such! :D

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This occurred to me from the other thread.......have your children act out the worst homeschooling stereotypes.


Go somewhere with them dressed in prarie dresses with their hair in braids to their waists. Dress the boys like super nerds.


Have your really big kids hide behind you and scream when someone addresses them.


Let them shout out in public places "MOM, that person LOOKED at me!"


I'm sure there's got to be lots more, but I doubt I could talk mine into actually doing it.



Well, those need to be HOMEMADE prarie dresses, and don't forget the goat. You have to have a goat and if possible a few chickens to complete the stereotype. BTW do you have enough children to pull this off?? :lol:

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I'm glad none of mine were standing behind me when I read that. They would totally do this. Here's our Christmas card picture (their idea) from last year:





:lol::lol::lol::lol: That has got to be the funniest things I've seen all.... well in a long time.




We would have to do conga lines in the grocery store to recreate our school. Light saber fights, threatening to send him to school by saying, "They make you wear shoes and sit still all day." GAsP

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Why why why did you post this and I open it when my girls are reading along with me???? They think this sounds like a blast...and they want me to wear a denim jumper and my son to wear leiderhosen!!!! ACK!


The planning continues...they want to create t-shirts that say, "popsicle stick competition...or I Heart Math.... or Don't talk to strangers..." They will never be able to go to sleep now that the wheels are turning.


Thanks. Thanks a lot. ;)

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This occurred to me from the other thread.......have your children act out the worst homeschooling stereotypes.


Go somewhere with them dressed in prarie dresses with their hair in braids to their waists. Dress the boys like super nerds.


Have your really big kids hide behind you and scream when someone addresses them.


Let them shout out in public places "MOM, that person LOOKED at me!"


I'm sure there's got to be lots more, but I doubt I could talk mine into actually doing it.



That would be hilarious!!!




My son has been drawing looks and comments when we go out recently. I am thinking that it may be something to do with the crown and cape that he insists on wearing every waking moment for the last couple of weeks.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!

When we were studying Egypt he went around the house with a towel wrapped around his waist and a emporers hat on. I did put the veto on going out and about dressed in only a towel.

Then we studied Rome and I made a toga and tunic for him. He called me toga slave (it was an authentic size so a misson to put on) and he wore it everywhere, all the time for about 2 months. Ever seen an 8yo at the airport in International Arrivals in a toga :lol: My Nana thought it was hilarious being welcomed by a Roman.

Then we did knights so he went everywhere with wooden sword and shield. Ah all good fun.

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