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National Student Leadership Conference

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Hi Hive Friends,


Matt got an application form in the mail saying he was welcome to register for a summer session of the NSLC on behalf of his local high school.  


What is this?  Is there funding for students to attend?  Anyone with experience?  Should I recycle this paperwork and carry on with my day?




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Recycle unless you can afford the cost.


It may be interesting, it may help a student decide what to study (or not!), it may give a student an idea of another part of the country. It will NOT help with admissions.


We have been receiving that and similar offers for years, since my oldest was in seventh grade. All those poor trees... ;)

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I didn't have time to read closely but here's a similar article in the NY Times about this sort of thing.


OTOH, there is an article in Imagine magazine (published by JHU CTY) about a guy participated in some leadership thing and had a great experience. LMK if you want more details and I'll find the article.

Ds has got a couple of those invitations. Nice, thick paper, felt bad throwing it away. But I had read the NY Times article above when it first came out. Plus something about the way the letters are written set off my scam-o-meter. Grandiose promises perhaps?

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Hi Hive Friends,


Matt got an application form in the mail saying he was welcome to register for a summer session of the NSLC on behalf of his local high school.  


What is this?  Is there funding for students to attend?  Anyone with experience?  Should I recycle this paperwork and carry on with my day?





This is a Canadian conference, just in case it's unclear. I was involved in organizing a workshop for this conference one year back before children; my dh was co-leading a different workshop at the same conference. The students who attended were very enganged and keen. They seemed to really enjoy the variety and topics of the workshop.  Here is the website for more info. It looks like accomodation could be covered through the student being billeted with a local family. The conference in 2016 is in Edmunston, NB.



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Reading the NYTimes article, I can't help but compare it to what ds is doing in Model UN.  


Not only does he do crisis simulations with public speaking and negotiation practice, but he does his own research, writes a 1-2 page position paper for each conference, and deals with a new topic/country assignment with each conference.  Also, he has formed a homeschool MUN team, recruited interested students, trained the in MUN procedures and research, coordinates meeting spaces at the community college, and participated in MUN League decision-making.


Cost of each local MUN conference is typically $10 for pizza.


At the end of a year, he's been accepted to a committee co-chair position, where he is now writing the research background guide to introduce the topic to other students.  He's also applying to the leadership team of a large 3 day conference for a year in which it is planning to double its size.


I know that there is an issue of access for some students.  This might be the main way that some kids are able to visit DC and take part in some of these activities.  But it does bug me when they are marketed as leadership, when they might be closer to a summer camp with a government focus.

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I did recycle it -- haha -- and I thought the Canadian version was put on for students elected to their leadership council for class president.  We don't have the money for extras like that and Matt doesn't have the time or energy.  



It's also for young leaders in other areas, such as intramural activities and sports teams.  


It's held in different cities every year, and it didn't have the atmosphere of simply a money-making event for the organizing association (as was implied with the link from another poster) when I was involved. 

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