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Anyone going through perimenopause


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I have a question....I haven't had my "friend" for almost a year (I think) so I'm in perimenopause...hot flashes etc....well for the last week or so I've had a nagging stomach ache and/or cramps down there. A couple of times I've felt like I've wanted to throw up that has lasted from about 15 minutes to a half hour. I am a HUGE worrier and now I think I have cancer...I'm not kidding...that's how much I worry about things like this. I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow but that makes me ever more nervous. So I guess my question is....have any of you who are going through or who have gone through peri or menopause ever had stomach problems? Thank you

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Yes, I am still regularly cycling but in the last year or so my PMS symptoms have grown to include extreme tiredness, loose bowels and sometimes nausea on the day or two before onset of flow.


But by all means, if seeing your doc for a thorough check up will give you peace of mind about the possibility of serious issues, make an appointment!

Edited by Seasider
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I'm starting, but so far my longest break has been 3 months. I'm mostly plagued with massive hormonal headaches that last 2-3 days on both ends of my period. This last one was my first bout with slight nausea; I also had cramps but that part isn't new.


:grouphug:   I hope your appointment goes well!

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earlier in peri- I frequently felt early pg symptoms before a cycle . . . when it stopped I knew my cycle would start.  now . . . .massive cramping (of the type I had when I first started) and symptoms - even without a cycle.  or the cycle will show up several days later. or just spotting . . . . my longest stretch was in 2014!!! 


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It's also possible you're just constipated or something.  This may have nothing at all to do with menopause.  There's lots of stuff down their besides your uterus, and lots of reasons to have stomachache and nausea, and most of those have nothing to do with cancer.  I know it's easy for me to tell you not to worry, but I hope you can decide to wait -- just decide that you'll worry about it later, if you need to, after you have information.  Right now, you don't have any information.  You just sometimes have a stomachache.

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