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PLEASE Talk Me Down!: Bosch/Nutrimill Sale

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Oh no. There is a combo sale going on at Pleasant Hill Grain.

New Bosch Universal Plus Mixer... free blender attachment... and a Nutrimill!


I have wanted both of these things for a while, but I don't *need* them.

With all the talk of the economy headed for a tailspin, is it silly to buy these? Would cheaper alternatives work as well? Is this really a good deal?


Yikes!!! I am getting all sweaty. Does that happen to you? :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I'm not going to be any help . . .I'm very glad I purchased my Bosch and Nutrimill. I don't remember exactly what I paid for both, but I shopped around for the best prices, and got the Bosch with the blender attachment free (although I haven't used the blender - lol).

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If you plan to bake your own bread and have a large enough family that you would desire to make more than two loaves at a time on a consistent basis, then the Bosch would be worth it. If your family is small, or you only plan to make two loaves at a time, then a regular Kitchen Aid stand mixer works wonderfully. Regardless, the Nutramill is a must! Freshly milled wheat is worth the price...no matter what mixer you own.


I personally own a Nutramill and an Electrolux DLX. I also own a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I definitely use my Kitchen Aid more than I do my DLX because it is used for a variety of things....mashed potatoes, cake, batch of cookies, etc. I also use it if I am only making two loaves of bread and, quite honestly, it produces a dough just as good as my DLX. The only time my DLX really comes in handy is when I am making double/triple batches of cookies and three or more loaves of bread, etc. I do not at all regret purchasing my DLX, it's a beautiful machine and I love having it onhand...but could I live without it? Yeah...but don't tell my hubby I said that. ;) I could not live without my Kitchen Aid mixer though. If that were to die on me I would insist on another, it is indispensable and something I use regularly.

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fool! We are 8 in my family and I make at least 6 loaves of ww bread each week. I did not get the grinder since I wanted to seee if I would actually make bread first, but since we've not eaten store bought bread in 3 months, that will be my next purchase. Really, you can make up to 15 lbs of bread dough (right now I'm up to about 11 lbs with making 6) and it's only the size of my oven that keeps me from making more! Gotta have a good cookbook though--I LOVE King Arthurs whole grain cookbook. It has the most wonderful ww bread recipe. Also, see if you can get in a food coop. I buy flour in 50 lb bags and keep it at a frozen temp in a chest freezer. So where is the sale? Maybe I will look at thhat grinder . . .


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Do you really want to be talked down? Really? Really?


OK, I have a Bosch Concept 7400. DH paid way too much for it (I requested and would have been perfectly content with the Universal), but up until today I loved it. I'm currently waiting for a reply to the email I sent this morning about the horrible grinding & clunking noise it started making this morning. After 4 years of daily use, it is finally giving out (can I blame DH? He was the last one to use it last night?)


I went ahead and used it to knead the batch of bread that I already had, but 2 other times I've wanted to use it today and didn't. I no longer own a stand alone blender or food processor. I'm sunk unless I can get this repaired ASAP. But otherwise, I love it.


We had one of the smaller Bosch machines (compact?) that we bought used several years ago. I burned out the motor the week before DS#3 was born (and it did cross my mind that I'm not quite ready to give birth next week). I was without a Bosch for nearly 5 years until DH got me this one as a gift. I'm not waiting another 5 years to get this repaired or replaced. Even though we've gotten our money's worth out of this one (ack...just noticed my model is discontinued, hope we can still get it repaired), I was still expecting it to last longer!

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