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If you went from WWE to MCT


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what do I need to know?


We'll be finishing up WWE2 with my oldest, I want to do MCT.  I've been looking over the material, but not sure what I should be getting.


Has anyone combined WWE3 and MCT?   Is it an overkill?  I liked the idea of doing poetry more and kind of getting into writing as well.



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Didn't do both. I have an intensely whole-to-parts, accelerated kid, and WWE would likely have flopped.


But to answer the question about what you should get for MCT Island level: Teacher's Manuals of everything plus likely the student book for Practice Island. We didn't even do the student book for PI because we preferred to put the sentences on the whiteboard, but it is the one piece I would consider buying the student version of.

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We are using both WWE2 and MCT Island for my dd6 and she likes the variety. I did discontinue FLL2 when starting MCT to avoid overkill. We have the ibook versions of the MCT curriculum and my daughter really enjoys the interactive exercises and listening to the poems and stories read aloud.

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We used MCT Island with WWE2 this year, and it has worked great. We plan to do WWE3 and MCT Town next year. We do MCT orally, though, and have skipped the writing assignments, so it hasn't been overkill for us.


So, which books did you get from MCT?


And if I didn't do Island this year, do you think it would be ok to go straight to Town or should I still start with Island?


thank you!

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I'm doing MCT and wwe3 with my son. I have all the island level books. It's not overkill at all, MCT doesn't really teach writing explicitly like wwe does.


When I did island with my daughter I used classical writing alongside.


I agree with just getting the teachers editions, though mine liked to have their own practice book to write in. We've done town level and are doing voyage this year.

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Using both, the first level mct with fll 2,3 for siblings. Fll drills the grammar, with scripts and is repetitive, and mct is a breezier more of a pleasant experience. If I had to pick 1 program I'd go fll, but because I love language and reading I'm inclined to look for material that may spark an occasional smile so I use both

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