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Anxiety over giving talk - cc but any insight welcome!


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So, I have been asked to prepare a reflection for an Evening Prayer service, for Lent.  The theme of the series is on healing and the seven deadly sins, and I would be talking about covetousness.


I think I could probably prepare something decent, and that I should, the problem is I am scared to death of giving the talk.


I don't really get it - I do tend to have social anxiety, but I have always been able to give prepared seminars and talks to a group - last year I gave a series of talks on Charlotte Mason to about 15 people.  And this would be low-key, and probably fewer people. 


Somehow, emotionally, something about it really is different - maybe because it is more personal? 


Anyway - I would really like to get over whatever it is, but I have no clue where to start.

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Practicing is a good idea - I hadn't even got that far in my thinking.


I am stuck, at this point, even earlier in the process - I can't think what I could possibly say.  I think that is where the hang-up is - in the content somehow.  I feel like people will think I'm an idiot.  Which is crazy because it is just something normal people do, it doesn't require any kind of expertise.

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I stumbled across the practicing out loud in front of a mirror thing a few years back and I can't begin to tell you how much it helped me.  I just sit on the foot of my bed across from my dresser mirror.


There is no reason you couldn't write it all out and read it, if that would help.


If my reflection was on covetousness, I would talk about contentment. And so the Word has a lot to say about that. Here are two: Hebrews 14:5, Philippians 4:11.


I find a lot of my own covetousness comes from comparing myself to others, especially my weak points to their strong points. 


I'm sure you will find more to talk about as you pray over this reflection.



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My mind will often go blank in a group.  I have spoken in front of our entire congregation - and teach our women's group class once a month.  I print out what I'm going to say.  (for a lesson I even include the questions I want to ask.)

spacing, different fonts etc. to make it easy to read at a glance.


my print out is my crutch.  but I don't worry about my mind going blank.

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Yes, I'm sure that the personal aspect is part of my issue.  I have a much harder time talking about things in that way.  Even if I am giving a talk I feel very comfortable with, if it gets close to something I have a more subjective relationship to, my anxiety goes up.  It's one of the reasons I prefer written communication.


I think I will at least write it out to include that kind of explanation - even if I don'tread it, having it written will I think help a lot.  Which makes no sense but there you go.

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