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super quick unit to teach literary analysis essays

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We have analyzed literature orally for years as part of our regular coursework.


I have made many lame attempts to methodically teach the literary analysis essay and have not been AT ALL successful. I have used both purchased and free things.


Ds will enter his final semester of our homeschooling journey in January. This is one of the things I want to really help him with. He has a huge phobia about having to write a literary analysis paper in college and not being able to do it.


Writing is the bane of his existence.


He actually is a very entertaining writer. I know...not helpful for those dreaded academic type papers. He has great grammar and spelling and a wonderful writer's voice.


If anyone has a suggestion for a quick, painless lesson plan, workbook, whatever to help teach this step by step, I'd be most appreciative!






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I noticed on the IEW website that Windows to the World is categorized under "Experienced IEW writers". Would you recommend it for someone who has never used an IEW program?

We've never used IEW and my DS did fine with it.


He had done years of public school and 1 year of Wordsmith Craftsman at home with me before he did it, if that's any indication of how prepared you need to be for it.

Edited by Momto5inIN
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I noticed on the IEW website that Windows to the World is categorized under "Experienced IEW writers". Would you recommend it for someone who has never used an IEW program?


We never used IEW before and it worked okay. Before high school, we were doing Writing with Skill Level 1, spread out over a couple years with creative writing, and eventually gave up on WWS1 toward the end.


Erica in OR

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