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Book on microscopes?

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DD6 is getting a microscope for Christmas, and I'm looking for a good book that includes techniques on slide preparation, as well as suggestions of what to look at, written at a basic enough level for younger kids to understand at least on some level. Any recommendations? (I'll probably buy prepared slides at some point, but I think it's much more fulfilling to actually find and look at their own samples.)

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Thank you all! Looking through your suggestions now.


It sounds as though you are thinking of a regular compound microscope? You might want to post about microscopes for six year olds. (Unless of course you are already familiar with choices.)


It actually is a basic duo-scope, lights above and below so it can see both slides and solid objects. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NOU54O?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00

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