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MFW Adventures for 1st grader?


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Hi ladies,

I'm considering using MFW Adventures next year for my then 1st grade dd. We've never used MFW before. My other 2 older girls will probably be using HOD.

The daughter that will be using it is already reading most anything. Very very good at reading. Writing --- she can write all her letters and does a great job writing words phonetically - some correctly, some not. I'm wondering if she could handle Adventures. We don't want super "babyish" content.


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I am doing it now for my 2nd grade daughter and kindergarten son.  I thought he would "tag along" but he is in full force.  He loves it. He is NOT a reader yet.  He is doing really well learning and is probably ahead for his age, but isn't just picking up a book and reading, but he loves it.  He is great at geography and remembering facts, so he is learning a ton. Sometimes things go a little over his head, but that is OK. I would say 80% is appropriate for him.  The science is definitely his level and is below my daughter.  Luckily she is doing Apologia Land Animals for co-op.  If not I would have to supplement for her.  For book basket, we simply read all the books out loud at lunch and other times.  My kids can't get enough of me reading to them, so that is how we use the book basket.  For the more "information texts" that aren't read aloud friendly, they will flip through those while I read to them.  


So....I think your daughter will be just fine.  The thought though is beyond first grade....where you would go.  If you stick with MFW she may get a little too young for stuff, but maybe not.  I guess you can just wait and see.  But yes...go for it.  She'll have a blast! We are LOVING this curriculum.  

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I used it last year for my 2nd grader and Ker and both did well.  My Ker is more advanced and was able to read very well and write well too.  But still my Pre-Ker (3) tagged along and was fine with it.  You can always modify it to work for your child.  It was a nice open and go curriculum and I felt covered a nice portion of American history appropriate for the age group.

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Yes, it would be fine. I'm using it now with a young first and third grader. You'd probably have to help with the occasional notebook page. My 1st grader occasionally gets bored with the state sheets, but I think that's a maturity issue. We're enjoying it.

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I'm interested in this topic, too. For those who have done Adventures, is it relatively ok for a somewhat sensitive child? Not too much war, etc.? I am considering doing Adv. next year with my would be 6 (turning-7-in-November) year old and 5 year old dds. I had planned to wait another year, but we live overseas and just got the opportunity to come back to the States for 4 months. I don't want to miss the opportunity to do US history while we're there!  My dds are reading at the same level now (we're finishing AAR level 1, will probably finish AAR 2 before starting Adventures). Dd age 6 is writing at an average level, and dd age 4 1/2 is writing above her age level. I was planning to do Five in a Row, but I really would like to stick with open and go. We also have a will be 3 year old and a will be 1 1/2 year old, so planning just doesn't happen around here. We are doing the Bible/activities part of MFW K now, along with AAR, math, and handwriting. I would like to keep going with MFW, but the First Grade package just doesn't seem to fit us. We already have the skill areas covered, and my girls know their Bible stories inside out. Maybe we should dive in ahead of my "down the road" plan, and try Adventures next year? 

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Not too much war at all.  You can add literature that would cover it more deeply but it isn't bad.  For instance, there is talk of the revolutionary war, but just that it happened...that US fought Britain for its independence.  No real AWFUL details, but some mention of soldiers dying.  Some mention of war and fighting between Indians, but you can definitely soften it or go into more detail however you want.  I don't think it really even covers the civil war, but we aren't there yet.  I say go for it.  I'm sure your kids will love it!  And enjoy your trip to the US!  

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