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9/15 exerciser check in

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After a week at mom's, where I only got out and ran once, it feels good to b home and back on a routine.


I tried to ride Saturday with dh but my foot, well there is no way to make this short. I went to get on my bike, the chain did not catch so my foot flew to the ground and fell out of the clip. The end of the pedal really knocked my ankle. Then the opposite pedal of course flew up and knocked my other ankle as I was trying to get that foot into the pedal clips. The first ankle took the brunt of the damage with 2 fairly small scratches, but swollen where the impact was (swollen like a goose egg). It was still swollen yesterday and even this morning hurts a little to walk on it.


So today I put on real shoes for the first time (open heel sandals all weekend) and went running. The first 1/4 mile hurt but after that it was ok. Between the lack of running last week and not knowing how my ankle would be, I only went around the lake - 2 1/2 miles. When I got home, I found my ankle swollen again. The blood from the bruise has pooled down toward my foot so the bruise is not really all that close to where the injury really occurred. Or it looks twice the size.


I guess I'm whining, but dh acted like it's no big deal. Give me some virtual hugs and sympathy and I'll be fine.

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I can't believe you went 2 1/2 miles with an injured foot!



I ran/walked my 2 miles this morning. It is still a struggle (I am up to running for 8 minutes/ walking for 2), but I feel like I'm making progress.


We're leaving for vacation today. I should be able to run most of my normal running days except Saturday. I will spend that day holding my new nephew (:seeya: Adrianne. I think Kate and I will be fighting over who gets to hold him, oh yeah, and then there's that brother of yours. He just loves babies. :001_smile:)

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I ran/walked my 2 miles this morning. It is still a struggle (I am up to running for 8 minutes/ walking for 2), but I feel like I'm making progress.


We're leaving for vacation today. I should be able to run most of my normal running days except Saturday. I will spend that day holding my new nephew (:seeya: Adrianne. I think Kate and I will be fighting over who gets to hold him, oh yeah, and then there's that brother of yours. He just loves babies. :001_smile:)


You are almost up to a full run! That's great! Look at how far you've come!


Hold the baby for me too. Now that we have someone to volunteer in the nursery at church I miss my baby fix. Although yesterday I did get to hold a baby while her parents were praying with others. :001_smile:

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After a week at mom's, where I only got out and ran once, it feels good to b home and back on a routine.


I tried to ride Saturday with dh but my foot, well there is no way to make this short. I went to get on my bike, the chain did not catch so my foot flew to the ground and fell out of the clip. The end of the pedal really knocked my ankle. Then the opposite pedal of course flew up and knocked my other ankle as I was trying to get that foot into the pedal clips. The first ankle took the brunt of the damage with 2 fairly small scratches, but swollen where the impact was (swollen like a goose egg). It was still swollen yesterday and even this morning hurts a little to walk on it.


So today I put on real shoes for the first time (open heel sandals all weekend) and went running. The first 1/4 mile hurt but after that it was ok. Between the lack of running last week and not knowing how my ankle would be, I only went around the lake - 2 1/2 miles. When I got home, I found my ankle swollen again. The blood from the bruise has pooled down toward my foot so the bruise is not really all that close to where the injury really occurred. Or it looks twice the size.


I guess I'm whining, but dh acted like it's no big deal. Give me some virtual hugs and sympathy and I'll be fine.


Oh my! What a trooper you are!! Sending big virtual hugs :grouphug: and a big kudos for your persistence! :hurray:



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This was my first day back to working out since I got sick 2 months ago. I'm still sick (allergies? I don't know, going for more tests), but I made myself go to the gym today.


30 minutes elliptical

15 minutes bike

25 minutes weights (arms, chest & back)


Wow! That's an amazing first workout! Good job! :thumbup:



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Okay...I'm on day 15 of BFL and this is the first morning I did NOT do my exercise. I know there is still plenty of time in the day for me to fit it in, if I can get over my PMS and snotty attitude and my simple, "I don't want to!" opinion. :001_tt2:


Keep me in your thoughts! Send, "Kick yourself in the hiney" vibes!


That's all for now! :leaving: BWAHAA!


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This was my first day back to working out since I got sick 2 months ago. I'm still sick (allergies? I don't know, going for more tests), but I made myself go to the gym today.


30 minutes elliptical

15 minutes bike

25 minutes weights (arms, chest & back)


Doing any exercise with what sounds like a stuffy nose deserves a medal! Great job!

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Okay...I'm on day 15 of BFL and this is the first morning I did NOT do my exercise. I know there is still plenty of time in the day for me to fit it in, if I can get over my PMS and snotty attitude and my simple, "I don't want to!" opinion. :001_tt2:


Keep me in your thoughts! Send, "Kick yourself in the hiney" vibes!


That's all for now! :leaving: BWAHAA!



kick kick! Go get 'er done!

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Good job, everyone! I go to physical therapy on Wednesday for my initial evaluation then we'll set up my schedule (twice a week for 3 weeks).


I simply cannot wait to get back to running!!!! I'll have to start over from the very beginning, but I don't care. I just can't wait to run again!!!

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i did one puny little leslie sansone mile today. (The caps on my keyboard are having issues - sometimes they'll decide to work, sometimes not.)


however, we're going to a meeting tonight that is a little over a mile away, and i plan to have us walk to/from. We'll be with kids so it won't quite be exercise speed, but still, that's good, right? :D

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Can you all tell I'm avoiding you? :(


Good job, all of you who were faithful today!


I really, really wanted to jump on my bike today, but I'm really not feeling very good. We're kind of having a lazy day today.



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I've done 3 Zumba classes this week at the local Y. I'm slowly but surely increasing my stamina. If I can do this and some walking with my girls, that will be great compared to the nothing I was doing before! I'm 41 and slim-ish which does not equal healthy. It equals being fortunate that I haven't had to struggle like others have. Now I have to be a good steward and take care of this body and be a good example of healthy choices for my kids. Thanks to you guys for this weekly check in for people. This mom/wife/woman is encouraged.

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