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Math using Charlotte Mason method, is there a program?


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We do use manipulatives, but we also use a textbook for thoroughness and just my organization I guess. We use MCP Math. The lessons are short, to the point and there is adequate review. I like the teacher's manual for first year. Impressed by the good use of manipulatives and mental math.

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MathUSee is a very CMish program. Short lessons, manipulatives, with oral narration. Oral narration is a very important component of MUS. Also, Making Math Meaningful would be another good choice. It also uses manipulatives and requires an oral dialogue though it's not exactly narration. Close though. The lessons are more drawn out and teacher driven than MUS.

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I love the romantic approach that CM has for acquiring math/science skills, but I think in this day and age we need a bit more. I hope you find a comfortable recommendation from the above posts.


For CM'ers wanting to supplement and carry on her living books curriculum vision, or for those that have the confidence to CM "it" without a formal math program, a list of CM living science books for younger students may be found here:



Dover has an interesting math/science book list for higher grades here:


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