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Talk to your child about drugs


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It has been a year since my friend's 17 year old son died. This post is in his memory.


Drugs do not discriminate. Being a "good kid", having a loving stable home, being a good student, being an athlete - none of these are a guarantee. The scary truth is that once was once too much. I am sure none of the kids thought it could happen to them.


Telling his story in the hope that maybe it prevents one kid from doing the same is all we can do as we grieve with his family who are currently reliving the heartbreaking days when their son was in a coma and they had to withdraw life support.

Please talk to your teens and hug them.



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We drive by a group of addicts every morning.  I just have my 2 youngest with me, but every couple of weeks I make a comment about where drugs always lead and what they do to you.  The boys can see the proof.  But I know it's hard.  I have several distant (cousins, uncles) who have struggled with drugs.  Some have managed to stay clean for decades now (they impress me so much! I can not imagine their struggle). Others are still stuck in it.  My one cousin's son is homeless thanks to drugs, yet it is not bottom enough for him yet.  It's so sad.


Thank you for the reminder.  It is important to always be talking to our kids.

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