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Combining high school students for content based subjects

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This is kind of rambling because I'm still thinking things through, so there's not really a question so much as just wondering what other people's experiences have been ...


Next year my 2 sons will be in 11th and 9th. Obviously their skill subjects like math and Spanish and grammar will be at different levels, and they will be taking different electives because of wildly different interests and personalities. But does combining high school level students work as well as it does in the younger grades for things like history and science and literature? I like the collaborative aspect of putting them together. Since they are brothers after all there will almost certainly be a competitive component thrown in there as well whether I like it or not ;) ... but one of them is stronger than the other in science/math/analytical writing and the other is stronger in history/creative writing so maybe they'll both help each other with their weak points instead of trying to beat each other at everything.


I guess I'm just wanting some BTDT advice from those of you who have combined high school students about what the potential pitfalls of this plan might be and what the benefits are.


Specifically, I was hoping to combine them for Critical Thinking in US History (up through 1870ish) along with a yet to be determined Government curriculum, Literary Lessons from the LOTR mixed in with several Excellence in Literature units, and possibly Apologia Physics if that matters.


A separate but related question: My 9th grader should be ready math-wise for physics, but will taking it outside of the standard "bio then chem then physics" sequence be detrimental to him in some way?


Thanks in advance for listening and for any advice you might have to give me! :)

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Physics first makes more sense than the traditional sequence which is entirely driven by the lack of math preparation that forces students to postpone physics.


My kids are 2 years apart, but I have never been able to combine my kids for any high school courses. Different interests, learning styles, course sequences.

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re: combining -- What do they think of the idea? I'd strongly consider that as well.


They are both OK with it for history/government and the EiL units but the oldest is not crazy about doing LOTR and the youngest is not very excited about doing physics next year because he'd rather team up with a buddy of his to do biology dissections next year. So maybe I should just let their preferences dictate since no one has chimed in yet with what a great idea it would be to combine. ;)


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I am combining dd13 and ds15 (grades 9 and 11) for Spanish 1 and American History this year.  I was planning to combine them for Apologia Biology, but I'm thinking that won't work as dd13 likes to move through science at a much faster pace than ds15.


I almost combined them for British Lit, but I decided to let dd13 do American Lit with American History.  (Ds15 did Am. Lit. last year.)


History seems to be working well.  I am making up my own course, and checking out tons of books from the library.  It's nice that they're doing it together so that I only have to check out one set of books at a time.


Spanish is also going well.  We just learned numbers to 100 and it was nice to be able to practice orally with more than one student.  And yes, they are challenging each other to get the highest grade!


Let me know if you have any other questions.  HTH

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I am combining dd13 and ds15 (grades 9 and 11) for Spanish 1 and American History this year.  I was planning to combine them for Apologia Biology, but I'm thinking that won't work as dd13 likes to move through science at a much faster pace than ds15.

This is something that concerns me too ... except it's my DS15 who likes to go faster and DS13 who needs to take his time more with concepts. I thought maybe the older could help the younger a bit, but that could also cut the other way and leave the younger feeling more frustrated and behind than he would if he was working through it in his own time.


I almost combined them for British Lit, but I decided to let dd13 do American Lit with American History.  (Ds15 did Am. Lit. last year.)


History seems to be working well.  I am making up my own course, and checking out tons of books from the library.  It's nice that they're doing it together so that I only have to check out one set of books at a time.

That's a nice bonus. I thought it would add a lot to our discussions too if they were both doing the same stuff. Do you find that to be true?


Spanish is also going well.  We just learned numbers to 100 and it was nice to be able to practice orally with more than one student.  And yes, they are challenging each other to get the highest grade!

Oh, yes, competition will definitely be a part of it whether I like it or not! :)


Let me know if you have any other questions.  HTH


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We haven't had a lot of discussion yet.  We did a unit on Native Americans (they each studied a tribe on their own) and we breezed through a unit on explorers (again, they each chose one to do a report on).  Maybe as we get into the colonies next week there will be some discussion.  Or not.  I'm homeschooling 6 this year and there just isn't enough time to do everything I want to do!

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I combined lit and history for a number of years, with kids two years apart. Frankly, the younger one was more advanced in both those areas, so he read more widely and deeply, and she did "just the facts".


Did you give them separate assignments and reading lists or did he go more deeply on his own?


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I have done lit and history (and ASL) with 2 sets of kids.  In both cases the older was a stronger student.  The older sometimes read more or wrote more.  It was a good way to stretch the younger and saved me a plan and gave them things they had to talk about.  





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I kept my two oldest boys - 1 yr apart in school - on the same science and history schedule as well as literature. This simplified things for me. Actually at one point I had all three of my high school boys studying the same novels and plays. This was a lot of fun and lead to many rousing discussions.

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I've always combined my high school students for great books (literature, history, philosophy) studies for the purpose of encouraging discussion. This has worked really well for us and has created our sweetest homeschooling memories. I have seven graduated now. All of them say these discussions were the highlight of their homeschooling years. 

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My 11th and 9th graders are both doing the same science- Creation/evolution/Origins studies, and history- Notgrass World History- which also has literature included.


So far so good!  Only drawback is I only have one textbook for each subject, so they have to work out timing of its use.

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I've always combined my high school students for great books (literature, history, philosophy) studies for the purpose of encouraging discussion. This has worked really well for us and has created our sweetest homeschooling memories. I have seven graduated now. All of them say these discussions were the highlight of their homeschooling years. 


Reading this type of thing is what made me want to homeschool in the first place! <3 Thanks for sharing!

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