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New Orleans, which, for those who don't know, is kind of like South Jersey.


Mine really only comes out when I'm very tired, irritated, or when I go back home.


But I've always been a mimic with a good ear. A few hours in a place and my speech patters adapt to the native patois. This has happend in the mid-Atlantic US, North Texas, England, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and the Mediterranean coast of France.

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I'm the one obligatory other. People never believe I'm from Tx. Ever.


People have guessed I'm from NW Am, Canada, Switzerland. But they're always perplexed because *they* say I have no accent. Same was true for my mom & grparents, though, so I guess it *is* inherited, lol.


I chose "other," though, because the only choice precluding accent said "typical American accent" or something like that. I'm not sure there is one, & since people have guessed that I'm from another country altogether, I...don't know? :confused:


Now I'm feeling silly, though. I guess I should have gone w/ "typical American accent"? Sorry. Seriously overthinking! :lol:

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I spent the first 9 years of my life on Staten Island, NYC. Sometimes, when I'm tired or tawking mindlessly I slip into a slight New Yawk accent. It greatly amuses my children, "She said dawta (daughter), he he." :lol::glare: Oh, I just remembered something I always say, draw, as in, "Put those socks in the sock draw please."

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I live very near what is considered "Da U.P". Raised with parents for whom "ain't", "t'ree" (3) and "you's guys" is proper English, I have tried very hard to master my diction and enunciation. I'm sure I'm referring more to locale than accent, but it kind of goes along the same lines (think Fargo:D). Ultimately, occasionally I will soften my "s", but not very often, because it really bothers me. I'm confident the only time I've sounded like this is on purpose, for fun (because it is kind of fun ;)).

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