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Really need help with geometry, currently using Duke Tip, may need change, please help quickly

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We have the Duke Tip program which I am very excited about. But, my son acted like he might die if he has to watch the video. Reading what others have to say here, it sounds like many feel the same way.


He started to watch the video, got upset and said he really hated it. He has little tolerance for things he hates, but he is quite smart and I am trying to push his comfort zone a little further. He has ASD. 


I am trying to decide if



-I should tell him he has to watch the video anyway, and push our way through it


-watch the videos with him and talk him through it 


-teach him Jurgensen's geometry myself. I used to be a sec ed math teacher and actually enjoy teaching it. I am a little short on time with my other children, but, math is my favorite subject and I enjoy teaching it.


-go with a different program for Jurgensen's such as Seton's. Money is limited so it won't me Wilson Hill Academy


-go with a different curriculum altogether.


While I wait to solve this, we are reviewing algebra 1

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Skip the videos and teach him yourself. He can do the problem sets independently while you help your other kids.


You could ask him to read the textbook then discuss what he understands from his reading. That might free up some time for you too.


My kids loathe Dr Burger's videos extremely. They watched a few samples and ran away.

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You watch the videos and teach it to him. I have a video-intolerant child (DD21) and this was our solution for Calculus. Watching the video made the material fresh in my brain again and actually reduced the time I spent going over the material with her because I could condense it down for her.


I still have the videos on hand to watch again if I get stuck with Calculus this time through.

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I am trying to decide if

-I should tell him he has to watch the video anyway, and push our way through it

-watch the videos with him and talk him through it 

-teach him Jurgensen's geometry myself. I used to be a sec ed math teacher and actually enjoy teaching it. I am a little short on time with my other children, but, math is my favorite subject and I enjoy teaching it.

-go with a different program for Jurgensen's such as Seton's. Money is limited so it won't me Wilson Hill Academy

-go with a different curriculum altogether.


Here's where we are with this program:

DD just took the Chapter 2 test (TIP quiz on the DVD, proof quiz in the TIP materials) and will be starting Chapter 3 on either tomorrow or Monday, depending on far she got on her work today. (I have added in things not in the TIP syllabus like the algebra review problems, chapter reviews, and some of the material in the back of the book.)


Go ahead & try it without the videos. They really only take a short sitting to get through (30 min?) so they really shouldn't be holding him back. If that is his only complaint, don't let it be the hill your geometry dies on.


If he's not getting it from the book, teach him the geometry as you go. I'm 'on call' during DD's math time as she has questions. I've been called into her room many times already to explain something or help with a tough problem - usually proof-related (chapter 2).


I'd try those first before switching or adding anything else.

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I would definitely forego the videos and teach it yourself. My boys would balk to the end of time if they had to watch boring geometry videos. I think in the long run teaching it yourself will actually save you time!


I am doing Jurgensens with my younger son right now. I did purchase the TE which is helpful in some ways (suggested problem sets, quick answers to classroom exercises, and alternate tests with answers), but it does not have the solutions to most of the proofs. We usually spend two days on each lesson (1 day on short ones). The first day of a new lesson we go over son's written work from the day before, the material in the lesson orally, work through the example problems, and do the classroom exercises orally. Then I assign him some written work. The second day we go over his written work from the day before and then I assign him a longer section of written work. This 2nd day is much shorter for me. So you can see that the time required for me to be directly involved alternates days. On that first day, we usually spend an hour or so together working on geometry. But the second day may only be 15 minutes. This plan has worked well for us. We may not cover every single chapter in the text (I can let you know which ones we will probably skip), but dear son will have a solid geometry course with lots of proofs!!


By the way, since all the proof solutions are not in the TE, my son and I sit and discuss them together...and often "argue" about them. I love this!!! I love seeing him invested in HIS method and process. I love seeing him want to defend how he thought something through. It is so valuable!!! 


I do not assign all the problems...even using two days to cover a lesson. Usually all the first section, many from the B section, and one or two from "C". I would expect that the Duke TIP program has suggested problem sets for you to cover.


You can do this!! I think it will save you time and heartache in the end. You may want to read through a lesson the night before you cover it with your son...just to make sure the material comes back to you. I have no doubt that it will.


HTH! Jetta

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