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9/12/ Exercise

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20.32 min and 2.35 miles. Half walk/half run.


I love my new NikePlus. It is really cool. I've signed up to their site and I'm going set up some goals and training program.


Still trying to figure out what all the lingo means...


ETA: My time was 29.32. Not 20.32. Good grief Scarlett.

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Great job Scarlett!! It's great to see your mileage and time increasing!


I have a newfound respect for you. I am currently visiting my sister in GA and she lives on a HUGE hill. I usually train on very flat streets. So, this was KILLER!!!!! I have no idea how far I went, but I went up and down this hill (did I mention that it is HUGE???) 7 times. I only ran it 3 though. I was out for 30 minutes. My heart rate was faster at the top of the hill after walking than it was after I ran on the short flat part of her street. Holy cow!! My butt will be wondering what happened to it the rest of the day!

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I have a newfound respect for you. I am currently visiting my sister in GA and she lives on a HUGE hill. I usually train on very flat streets. So, this was KILLER!!!!! I have no idea how far I went, but I went up and down this hill (did I mention that it is HUGE???) 7 times. I only ran it 3 though. I was out for 30 minutes. My heart rate was faster at the top of the hill after walking than it was after I ran on the short flat part of her street. Holy cow!! My butt will be wondering what happened to it the rest of the day!


Hee hee. That makes me feel a little better. Just this morning I was wondering if I will EVER be able to run UP this hill. I've managed to run about 1/3 of the way back up it once or twice.


I've noticed my energy level is just really improving. My neighbor was out of town and she called and asked me to go across the street and do her a favor at her house. I walked over, but found myself walking very fast AND with the strong urge to break into a run. :) That felt cool.


Good job running on vacation.

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20.32 min and 2.35 miles. Half walk/half run.


I love my new NikePlus. It is really cool. I've signed up to their site and I'm going set up some goals and training program.


Still trying to figure out what all the lingo means...


EEEEEKKKKK!!!! Ijust realized my HUGE type. My time was 29.32!!!!!! Good grief. I wondered what you meant Jennifer about my time improving.

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Too funny Scarlett! Good for you no matter what the time! I can't run, so I'm impressed by anyone who can!


I did my lower body workout this morning for BFL. I got up late (just couldn't drag myself out of bed), but when I finally did my workout I actually increased my weights so I was shaking by the end.


On a good note, last night DH commented how strong my legs are looking. YEAH!



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Great job, ladies!!!! I'm downright green with envy....


I had my appt. w/the podiatrist yesterday. He said I need physical therapy 2x a week for 3 weeks. I go back to him when I'm finished with that, and he'll tell me if I'm ok to go running again. He also told me to get a treadmill so I can run in the winter, since the cold air bothers my lungs so much :glare:


The good news is that he looked at my new shoes and said they were great! I was so worried that he'd tell me I needed something w/more stability, etc. I mean, I just bought them for $130 and only ran in them three times!!!! DH would not have been happy :D


I need to call the p.t. place and set up my appointments with them. Wish me luck! :(

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Can I join in?! I just started exercising this week. I really don't like working out or sweating because of how tired I always am in general. They say the more you workout the more energy you get but man it's hard.


Anyway I've started doing Hip Hop Abs. It's entertaining to watch as well as do and I've done it 3 times this week so far. I'm shooting for 5 days a week. I've been getting up at 6am to do this and hope I can stick with it because I'm done with flabby! :)

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Can I join in?! I just started exercising this week. I really don't like working out or sweating because of how tired I always am in general. They say the more you workout the more energy you get but man it's hard.


Of course! And I promise you the more you work out the more energy you will have. I can sure tell the difference just from the bit I've b een doing for the last.....10 weeks (??) or so.


Hurray to everyone who drags their body out of bed to exercise before starting the day. Might discipline builders as well as muscle builders.


Happy Late Anniversary Happy! 25 years here.


And if I don't get up and run/walk at 5:30 it just won't get done. Some days I think, 'oh I can't run, but I will at least go for a walk.' and then I ALWAYS end up wanting to run. Mind games. ;)

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