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Dr Hive for running injury

Jann in TX

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Youngest dd had a tendon injury in her right foot last spring. She was cleared by Dr for Cross Country this fall and made the team.

Last week at her first meet she stumbled while stepping over a ditch on the trail (don't even get me started on the course conditions...).

She attempted to recover but stumbled again running up a steep hill.  We saw her at the 1 mile mark right before the last fall and her gate was way off.  The team trainer thinks Drs are way to conservative-- but he sent her right back to the Ortho she saw last spring-- coaches said for the trainer to do that something is very wrong!


She has been in a lot of pain since her fall.  She cannot put weight on her right foot-- and she has 'foot drop' (she cannot move her foot from a 'pointed toe' position).  Dr wants her back in the boot she wore last spring--but she CANNOT bend her foot without screaming (and she has a high pain tolerance too!) and it is impossible for her to make the 'L' to get her foot in the boot so it is unprotected/supported and she is using crutches.  No visible bruising and very minimal swelling.


X-rays were fine and an MRI is scheduled for tomorrow.  Ortho (sports injury specialist for feet/leg)  told us not to bother with a followup appointment as he has a feeling he will be passing her up to someone even more specialized.


Anyone had a similar injury who can give me guidance on what questions to ask?



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First off *hugs* for both you and her. There are way too many bones and tendons to even guess what is going on. My dd has a chiped bone deep in her ankle that will keep her out of high heels her whole life. It wasn't detectable until the MRI so hopefully that will give you more answers. You sound like you have a very proactive set of doctors so follow their lead for now, but don't hestitate to seek a second opinion if you feel you need it. DD's Doctor was an idiot and I waited too long to abandon ship.

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