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Filipinos - explain this, please

Liz CA

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I work with a young Filipino man whose English is very good. However, when he tells me about a patient/client, he often starts out saying "He is fine. Her BP was..."

This used to confuse me and I had to clarify if he was talking about the same person or had moved on in the report. This happens so frequently that I am now used to it.

Do Filipinos not distinguish with pronouns? :)

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That is the ONE mistake my dad still makes (he's been in the U.S. for 60 years now :) ). Some of his siblings still mix up definite and indefinite articles, use singular/plurals incorrectly, etc.; my dad does all that fine, but still says things like, for example, "She blah blah blah" when referring (I thought) to my son. Sooooo confusing! :glare:  hahaha   :lol:  He sees our confused faces and quickly corrects himself.


On the bright side, I suppose speakers of these languages can skip all the agonizing we are doing here about gender-neutral pronouns! :D

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