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Wilson Hill Academy Students--how are your courses going?


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Thought i would check in and see how Wilson Hill is working out for those of you who are using it this year. DS13 is taking Algebra 2 with Reini and so far it is going well. The feedback is timely and useful, he enjoys the class, and of course I love the text (Dolciani). DS is able to keep up easily (and after AoPS that is a blessing!) but it will get more challenging as time passes.


How are your students enjoying their Wilson Hill classes, particularly the math ones?

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DD12 isn't taking math with WHA but she is taking Great Conversation 1 with Bruce Etter, Latin 2 with Joanna Hensley and Fundamentals of Expository Writing with Cindy Lange. All three are going extremely well. My dd talks about her classes with enthusiasm. The teachers are engaging, give clear expectations and helpful, quick feedback on assignments. I am so thankful for these classes and teachers.

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I didn't mean to say that dd didn't like Lukeion.  It is a solid choice and dd most certainly learned a lot last year (including study skills that were a must for success).  Latin Alive is paced to take three years to cover the grammar instead of two.  My dd isn't in a hurry to finish her Latin sequence because she started in 6th grade and is also taking French with the Potter's School so the WHA pacing fits my dd's needs better.  The classes are also structured differently.  Neither one is better in my opinion, they are just different.  At WHA, the first class period of the week is similar to Lukeion and focused mainly on the new grammar.  WHA has longer classes and more time to discuss derivatives and go over vocabulary.  The second WHA class each week goes over homework in class.  My dd did this on her own each week last year with Lukeion.  She is learning both ways, but she enjoys the second WHA class each week.  She also likes that she can see the chat from other students at WHA.  Good luck with the decision!  Both Lukeion and WHA teachers seem willing to answer questions.  I asked plenty before making these decisions.   :)

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DD is almost done with the first part of AOPS Intro to Algebra. I was thinking of going over some problems from Foerster and maybe using Intro to Numbers for the rest of the year.


Has anyone done geometry and algebra 2 at WHA? Just curious to see what would be a better class as the first math class at WHA. AOPS class format is not my favorite. It's all text and I was hoping for more auditory.

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DD is almost done with the first part of AOPS Intro to Algebra. I was thinking of going over some problems from Foerster and maybe using Intro to Numbers for the rest of the year.


Has anyone done geometry and algebra 2 at WHA? Just curious to see what would be a better class as the first math class at WHA. AOPS class format is not my favorite. It's all text and I was hoping for more auditory.

The format of the AoPS classes is one reason we never tried them.

So far we've been happy with geometry as a first class at Wilson Hill. The video component is nice. I think being able to see the teacher is a plus.

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