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Has anyone had Diastasis of the Symphysis P@bis(DSP) or

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Symphysis p@bis dysfunction(SPD)


I've been having some pretty severe pain in the lower pelvic region today. So much so I've had trouble walking. A friend had one of the above mentioned conditions, but it was after birth (her son was 10' 8"). I read it is possible for this to happen prior to delivery. Am I in for a long 6 weeks?

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Oh my! :grouphug: I had it during my pregnancy with my DD. It was so terrible that I literally could not turn over or get out of bed by myself. Everything would just lock up.


On the bright side, she was my easiest delivery. I actually laughed at the nurse when she told me I was dilated to 8. I tried to correct her and let her know that I had given birth before and I *know* what 8 cm feels like. I chalk it to up to enduring months of pain with SPD that I got a break when it came time for labor. :lol: I hope the same for you!

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Yes, I had this with my first pregnancy. I wish I could tell you that it will go away, but as others have posted only the blessing of birth will do it. Like Jeanne, I had a *BIG* problem with mobility and could barely walk towards the end (my dr. offered me a handicap plaque to put on my rear view window but I was fairly homebound by then). Regarding pain....It was by far my least painful (per my perception at the time) labor as well. I pray these last 6 weeks fly by for you.



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Yes...I had this. I think they called it something different, but it was the exact same symptoms. In my case the symptoms did not go away completely with birth...it is still painful to run, sometimes to walk. However, it is significantly better. The info I got on it said that some women can experience pain after birth for six months to two years, so I'm hoping that by the time my baby is two I'll be completely free of it!

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Yes I've had it with two of my pregnancy. One so severe I was on crutches and had a wheelchair pass for parking.

My quick list of things that will make the pain a little less:


Keep your legs together, whether sitting down, standing up, going from sitting to standing, going from standing to sitting, getting out the car, rolling over in bed, doing the vaccuming etc etc etc. Whatever you do keep your weight on both legs.

And if you are still having tea for two, use a legs together position.


Put a plastic bag on the seat of your car to allow you to swing your legs around to get out with them together.


Vaccuming usually involves a legs-apart stance. Either get someone else to or do it with your legs together.


Stop walking except where utterly necessary. The thing about walking is that it doesn't hurt at the time too bad, you just won't be able to walk the next day.


Warm packs can help between your legs. Warm baths are also good.


Don't lift if you can possibly avoid it and that includes children. Kneel down for cuddles and use the stroller rather than carrying little ones. Get someone else to unload your groceries etc from the car for you.


Avoid stairs unless absolutely necessary. If you have them in your home put a basket at the top and bottom and put things in there to go up and down so you do less trips.


And remember anything that is hurting you won't hurt at the time, you will pay later.


Given you've only just got it and it's not too severe, hopefully birth cures it.


Sorry you have it :( It's no fun!!

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I had this bad from months 5-7 of my last pregnancy, and again after a move (heavy lifting) when the baby was 1 1/2. Crutches/handicapped parking pass here too.


I finally went to a chiropractor after a few months on crutches. That day, it hurt terribly and I was worried I had made things worse. But the next day it was better. I was so thankful.


I still have to be careful about how I move to avoid recurrence of the problem. Absolutely no heavy lifting with legs separated. It hurts to lie on my side for more than a few minutes. If it gets out of whack, I can sometimes fix it by hanging from a chinning bar and wiggling my hips until it gets some kink out of my lower back.

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Symphysis p@bis dysfunction(SPD)


I've been having some pretty severe pain in the lower pelvic region today. So much so I've had trouble walking. A friend had one of the above mentioned conditions, but it was after birth (her son was 10' 8"). I read it is possible for this to happen prior to delivery. Am I in for a long 6 weeks?


Marie, I'd suggest something like this maternity belt. Look around at reviews of such products, there are many to choose from. Talk to your doctor, if he will prescribe one your insurance might cover it.


The belt would do two things: provide compression around your loose-jointed pelvis, and provide lift to keep some pressure off your symphysis p. joint. Won't fix the problem, but would help.

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