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Making AAS 3 more independent?


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Spelling is the thing my 3rd grader never seems to get to on his list of school work- because it depends on me! I am trying to figure out a way to make it more independent... maybe I teach one lesson a week and then he has some independent work the other days? Seems like at one point someone had posted some workbook type pages to go along with AAS. Any ideas appreciated!

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Spelling is the thing my 3rd grader never seems to get to on his list of school work- because it depends on me! I am trying to figure out a way to make it more independent... maybe I teach one lesson a week and then he has some independent work the other days? Seems like at one point someone had posted some workbook type pages to go along with AAS. Any ideas appreciated!


If you want independent work, you probably should not go with AAS.  It would be pretty hard to tweek it so that it isn't teacher heavy.  Can you use BJU or Mega Words?

Hot Lava Mama


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Good speller or struggling speller? A struggling speller really needs the one on one to correct things as you go and to have that interaction with you. But for a good speller, here's how one mom makes it more independent for one of her kids--she teaches the lesson on Monday but has the words and dictations on recording for him to do them independently on 2 other days of the week. 

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This is my exact problem.  For my ADHD child, he really needs me there in order to complete spelling in a timely manner (though I'm moving to HTTS because he's going through levels too quickly to be cost-effective and we don't use all the pieces), but my daughter does well with independent work.  I'm going to try R&S spelling for her.  Folks on here have touted it as the workbook form of AAS. 


Another alternative would be to type a list of words into Spelling City.  You could introduce the rule to your child on Monday, write it out or post it to be read daily, assign a Spelling City activity every day, and assess at the end of the week.  You could also generate your own computer-free activities--alphabetize the words one day, sort them by spelling rule another day, write them in cursive and in print, make them into sentences...  You could have a permanent list of options and have your child choose one each day.

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If your child is a struggling speller, I would say move it to first thing (after morning time if you do that), every day, no exceptions, set a timer for fifteen minutes, and just do it. If you've got other kids vying for your attention, that's totally independent work or quiet reading or looking at books or plant the toddler in front of a device showing Daniel Tiger time.


If your child isn't a struggling speller, I would probably switch spelling to something more independent. Maybe try to finish out AAS3 with some of these tricks of recording the dictations ahead of time. Or just sell it. It resells well.

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Thanks guys! I would not say that he is a struggling speller but he seems to be thriving on the AAS method. Just this week I started typing the lists into Spelling City and so we do a lesson one day and then for a couple days he reviews and tests on Spelling City. I do need to start researching where to go next. I had planned on doing Phonetic Zoo but maybe I should look at Rod and Staff?

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We are just starting AAS 3. For days that we spend a good amount of time in the car, I write down a list of words on a post-it and quiz her while we are driving. If you bring along a clipboard with paper and pencil, you can even do sentence dictations, but usually we just do words spelled out orally.


I also like the idea of recording the words and dictations and having them complete it independently. I may try that. After AAS 3, we are moving to Phonetic Zoo mostly because it's more independent and because my daughter is very auditory. AAS has been a great foundation though.

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Good speller or struggling speller? A struggling speller really needs the one on one to correct things as you go and to have that interaction with you. But for a good speller, here's how one mom makes it more independent for one of her kids--she teaches the lesson on Monday but has the words and dictations on recording for him to do them independently on 2 other days of the week. 


That's exactly how I do it. Teach the lesson on Monday and record everything else for them to do on the following days.  If there are a lot of misspelled words by the end of the lesson, I circle those in the book (as well as on their paper) and give them those words on the last day or before moving on to the next lesson.

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I have one natural speller that uses AAS (God bless the child, he makes up for all of the effort I have to put into spelling with my dyslexic child)


For him (and only him, this would be disastrous with my other children) I generally test on Friday, then either review because he needs it, or teach the next week's lesson.  On Monday I give him what looks like a busy-work sheet for his independent work binder.  This kid learns by writing, so the repetition is good for him, plus we use it for handwriting practice too.  It looks something like this:


Level 3 Step 28

Rule (or review of a previous rule if there is no new rule for the week)


list words plus one or two from his stack of review cards


Monday copy this week's rule



Write your words in cursive:

_____________________________________           ______________________________________


_____________________________________           ______________________________________


_____________________________________           ______________________________________


_____________________________________           ______________________________________


_____________________________________           ______________________________________


_____________________________________           ______________________________________


Tuesday Write 2 sentences containing at least 2 spelling words each:



1. ______________________________________________________________________________




2. ______________________________________________________________________________




Wednesday copy this week's rule




Write your words in alphabetical order:


1. __________________________________           6. ____________________________________


2. __________________________________           7. ____________________________________


3. __________________________________           8. ____________________________________


4. __________________________________           9.  ____________________________________


5.  _________________________________           10.  ___________________________________


Thursday - Write 2 words in sentences in cursive


1. ______________________________________________________________________________




2. ______________________________________________________________________________




Friday - Work with Mom


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