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kids moving toward black belt question


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My kids have their junior black belt and are working toward an adult black belt.  Every 3 month cycle the kids learn 5 new techniques, until they have over 100.  The expectation of the school is that kids practice the previous techniques and keep them fresh on their own.  At about mid point, they are tested to know about 60 of them.  


A few of the mom's and I were hoping to higher one of the instructors once a month for a private lesson, through out this year, to review previous techniques.  But, one mom talked to the head instructor and he didn't think it was necessary.  I think he believes that if the kids aren't motivated enough to review on their own, then they don't deserve to pass on.  


To a certain extent I get it.  But, if my kid likes karate but lacks the motivation to practice then the kid should just quit now!  


I really think there should be internal review at the school in place.


What do you think or how does your school handle it? 

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Both of my boys do karate.  One has major executive function issues, the other does not.  I know the one with issues would have to have some private lessons to review techniques.  My other son wants to practice, but with all the compound techniques, he just forgets the older ones.  I think it's hard for any type to keep up review on their own.  

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I think the school should do reviews once in a while, and the kids have the responsibility to practice techniques on their own in between (if they're at the age/point of working towards an adult black belt). Even if a kid practices on his own every day, if nobody ever does reviews it's possible the kid, over time, starts to do the technique wrong because no-one is correcting minor mistakes, kwim? It's not like math, where you can do exercises in a workbook and check the answers in the answer key without needing an instructor. You *could* videotape yourself doing the forms and compare them to videos of pros doing the forms, but even then, you may miss nuances.

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I dunno, I'm almost 49 and I don't remember all the stuff I learned for my past belt tests.  :P


Have you tried looking online for videos of the moves / forms?  I have found some of my school's forms on there, but not all.


I would also suggest that your child start keeping a list of the skills he is expected to practice and remember.

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It's normal for kids to be expected to know every form, kick, break, and all the terminology to earn their first black belts. I've never heard of anyone in the 3 schools we have attended who had private lessons to practice their forms or moves, but some people get extra lessons to practice sparring for the test. 


The kids get a handbook to study for the test and they usually practice the lower forms during regular classes as they go along, but that's about it. Higher belts are expected to help lower belts practice, so they are expected to know and practice their stuff as they do that.



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Just getting this out has made me consider the obvious!  Video tape the kids doing their latest techniques at the end of the 3 month cycle, when the techniques are fresh in their heads.  Now I'm a bit behind on it, but better late than never.  But, I still wish the school did internal review.    

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