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Help with AP class

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My 10th grader (15 in Sept.) wants to try to do an AP class. She is not a good test taker, but she wants to try one. I was thinking of AP Psychology only because I was told it was one of the easiest out of all of them. I know it isn't going to be easy though! I'm actually scared! She is my 1st high schooler. Human Geography just doesn't sound interesting to her. Should I do PA Homeschoolers or Virtual School? I was thinking with Virtual School she can always drop out if she has to and we wouldn't be out any money. Any suggestions welcomed!!! Her strength is math, so she is not ready for an AP in that subject. Please help! 

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I don't really know about the APPsych class, but I will say that we have used PAH for many classes (Bio, Chem, Phys, Stats, Eng Lang, and CalcBC), some of them twice! We have only had one even slightly off kilter experience... and I think that was owing to the exam being redesigned that year. Other than that the classes have been well run and prepared my dd's well for the exams. Additionally, they came along at the perfect time in dc's education - when planning and implementing all the subjects all the time was getting hard for me - so win-win!


That being said, it is entirely possible to self study for these exams, and my dd's have done that, too. Following a plan written by someone that has taught the class successfully for a while is *really* helpful. If nothing else, there is a lot of material to cover!! It is helpful to know just how to weight the study and also how to practice for the exam. (What are the essay questions really like?? What topics show up a lot?)


I think EDX is running some free AP Courses this year, too.... if you are looking to throw another option into the mix.


Good Luck! I have one embarking on his first AP Experience this year, too... we'll see how it all turns out!






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In our area, US History or Psychology tend to be the first APs for private and public students. Homeschoolers, at least the ones I've personally met, don't tend to do APs (I've gotten many a side-eye from people).


Dd did Human Geography as a freshman last year. She wanted to study it and enjoyed the subject, though. (Her next APs this year include Psych, Environmental Science, Eng Lang, and Comp Gov and Politics----all but English are strong areas of interest. I'm the meanie insisting she take English.)


Dd20 had APUSH as her first AP during sophomore year.


Ds22 took four APs his first year (CalcAB, Eng Lang, APUSH, Physics C Mech).


Editing to add:


We have not used PAH for any courses. My older two went to private schools. Dd is taking AP English Language with Blue Tent Online this year (she took English with them for the previous two years). All other AP classes are done with me (I've had syllabi approved) :)

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