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Exercise Thread ~ August 9th - August 15th


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Difficult 3 mile run this morning. My bad runs are starting to depress me, so I'm taking the week off from running. My plan is a week of yoga, maybe Primary everyday. I've been feeling very drained and Primary is known as "yoga therapy" I had also thought about a week of Kundalini yoga. Maybe after a week or two of primary I'll try kundalini.

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Puttered around the garden this morning - lots of weeding.  Walked with the dog along an estuary this afternoon - lovely weather, cool but sunny and with a light breeze; lots of up and down, so 58 'floors' climbed and 87 minutes of cardio.  19,000 steps.  August average so far: 13,400.

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Ladies, I hope to start spending slightly less time online. I will try to post here as often as I can, but I'm asking any one of you to please start this weekly thread. It would be nice for this thread to keep going. I'm just a bit too busy and may not be always able to start it. Thank you all. 


Thanks for being so consistant starting this thread every week!


I can certainly try to get things rolling on Sundays. If I forget, hopefully someone else will help out. 

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Camping was wonderful this weekend.  We ran a lot of the trails- it had a free running vibe because the trails were rocky and steep and lots of roots and twists and turns.  It was marvelous.  We also swam under waterfalls and slid down rocks into a swimming hole.  Too fun for words.


Today 5K walk with dh this morning, 5 hours on the mats at martial arts tonight. 

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