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Job Vent and Prayer Request


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I work part-time at a recreation center as well as some other jobs as they become available during the month.  I've been at the rec. center for 4 years.  During that time, we've had 3 supervisors and one acting supervisor.  Now our current supervisor is being transfered.  So by the 24th of this month, we will have a 5th supervisor if you include the one that was here for only a few months.  It is so frustrating to continually change supervisors.  Plus, the person that is being transfered to our center is inflexible with employees especially about scheduling issues.  As a part-time employee, I get NO benefits other than a paycheck.  Offsetting the lack of benefits has been the flexibility to request certain days off as needed.  Losing that benefit is huge to me!  Also, I was told today that a 4th part-time employee will be hired cutting into the hours the current 3 part-timers share.  I know I have to look for more work but I so don't want to start a job search. It's exhausting.  I'm an older single mom and it's getting harder and harder to find decent jobs.   I would appreciate prayers for my job search and for my attitude.  Lately, I'm been stressed about other issues and don't need anymore stress in my life. 

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