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Another would you let your child do this -- spend the night in a medical facility without you?


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I would stay with him.


If I had to sleep on a chair, I would do it. (I recently did exactly that when my dh was in the hospital for over a week, and although I wouldn't wish sleeping in a chair on my worst enemy, it's not the end of the world, either -- and spending only one night in a chair is not a big deal at all.)

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You might just ask if there is ever a situation where they will tell someone to go home or will cancel the daytime part of the test.  If the answer is no, then it simplifies things.  I was told upfront that there was a chance that the second part would be canceled.


We ruled sleep problems out as one cause of his dopiness and ADD.  We work on his executive functioning skills (which are really getting better with age) and we're addressing some pretty severe allergies (which testing showed were really a problem) which cause dopiness and ADD type behavior as well.  


I think that goes with my plan to go prepared to stay, then I can ask all those questions, and if the answers make me feel like leaving, then I can always do so.


It sounds like we have similar kids, although we've got a few other issues in the mix.  

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I would stay with him.


If I had to sleep on a chair, I would do it. (I recently did exactly that when my dh was in the hospital for over a week, and although I wouldn't wish sleeping in a chair on my worst enemy, it's not the end of the world, either -- and spending only one night in a chair is not a big deal at all.)


Thank you for making me feel like I'm not the only one who would consider this!  

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At 16 I severely sprained my ankle at work, drove myself to the doctor, filled out the forms, got all the scans, took my paperwork back to my employer, and got my prescription filled on the way home, all while my parents were at work. So yeah, I'd probably be okay leaving him if he was okay with it.

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So, I stayed, I'm actually still here.  It turned out that there is no taxi stand at the nearest metro, and walking from the metro to the place involves crossing a very busy, 6 lane highway with no crosswalk.  By the time he was all checked in it was 11 p.m., and the idea of crossing that street in total darkness didn't appeal.  I also wasn't 100% sure that I'd get home before the subway closed at midnight.   So I stayed, and now he seems to be enjoying my company between the naps, so we're hanging out together and enjoying the cable TV, since we don't have that at home.  


Apparently my gut told me the right thing, even though the actual reasons didn't really occur to me.  I'm very glad I boarded the dog though!



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