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DD15's life saving story


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So I got a pm asking me to elaborate on my dd15s story about saving a child last weekend.  I didn't want to take over Spycar's thread so I will share it here.  My ITT friends have seen this story, I posted about it to them the day it happened, so I am just going to copy and paste that post.  This occurred last Saturday(June 27th):

I took the kids for a year end event for 4H.  We went out to the lake lot of the main leader of our 4H group.  We got down the lake and were getting set up, my 15 year old daughter and 11 year old son headed out into the water right away.  Suddenly we hear a woman screaming as she runs down the beach "Somebody help me! I can't get there in time!" someone else called "are you okay?" woman screams "my granddaughter!" and pointed out into the water.  Her little grand daughter had gotten away from them and into the water and had gone over the drop off and was drowning.  My children were less then 10 feet from her.  I yelled out to them "Ceilidh! RUN!" while pointing to the girl.  Ceilidh was off in a flash with my 11 year old hot on her heels. She scooped that little girl up out of the water and the girl started to cough up all the water she had been taking in, and starting carrying her into shore.  The grandmother met up with her halfway and was so grateful. We saw the girl later wearing a life jacket playing, and happy.  The outcome could have been much worse if my kids hadn't been so close to her.  At the drop off the lake is about 15ft deep, and her head was going under more and more. Everytime I think about it I get choked up.  How easily it could happen to anyone, a young one (she looked to be about 4) can get away and how terrifying that moment was when I saw her head go under and yelled at my daughter to run. I am so proud to call her mine  :)  My son too, I know if dd15 hadn't gotten there that split second before him he would have had that girl up out of the water too.

Later that night when the rest of the 4H members arrived and we were roasting hot dogs at the leader's site, I told the story about Ceilidh the hero. She had gone all afternoon playing and never told anyone what she did, never considered herself a hero the way I do.  Her response when the others were oohing and ahhing was "Well what else could I have done? I'm not going to watch someone drown, you help people in trouble"  To her it was no big deal, it was just what you do.

And all I could think was "Yeah, I made that!" :lol:

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That's great she was nearby and able to help. Woohoo!


I have to ask how you pronounce her name - I'm Irish and have a guess, but I wanted to verify I'm not saying it wrong :)

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I love hearing these stories.  Your kids sound wonderful.  I'm sure it's from great parenting!   :thumbup1:


This will be an experience that will carry them into adulthood with confidence.  Awesome story.  Thank you for sharing.



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I love hearing these stories.  Your kids sound wonderful.  I'm sure it's from great parenting!   :thumbup1:


This will be an experience that will carry them into adulthood with confidence.  Awesome story.  Thank you for sharing.



I am sure it will.  The best part for dd15 is that the of group of 4Hers and the other kids there she is section leader for 4 of them in army cadets.  They already looked up to her as a higher rank, but now they were looking at her with a respect that was separate from that.  I think she set a great example for all of the kids there, you jump in and do what needs to be done to help someone out.  


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