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Online lesson planner that doesnt require dates set when planning

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I've been using Homeschool Tracker Plus for years...first the download and now the online version.  It's perfect for what I need, except that it is cumbersome, and not pretty.  It's aways been cumbersome...I've used it long enough I know how to do it...but it's still cumbersome.  Plus I'd love something cheaper.   But here is the number one thing I want, and I can't find any other lesson planning site that offers this:  The ability to plan lessons without assigning an actual date at this point.


What I mean is I will plan the whole year for history...usually 160-180 days worth of lessons.  But I don't assign the plan to an actual date until each week.  Sunday night, I quickly go in and schedule history lessons for the days we will do work that week.   I do the same for each subject.  Takes a few clicks and all of 10 minutes on a Sunday evening.   This allows fluidity in that I can schedule for the week based on what we have going on that week. 


Everything else I've looked at requires a date to be assigned as you make the plans. So day 1 of History assigned to Aug 1st, lets say.  And yes, that can be rearranged come August 1st and we don't get it done...but I don't want to rearrange after the fact.  I just prefer not to assign a date until I know what life has in store.  


I know alot of these online planning sites are alway making changes and updates so perhaps one has updated to include this option.   What online planner allow one to create lesson plans without assigning a date at that time?

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I've used Homeschool Tracker (The free version), but I like using OneNote. I plan the whole year, then make weekly assignments for my student. If we fall behind, or move faster, it is easier to adjust than Homeschool Tracker. I seldom use dates; instead I plan by the week.


Search for OneNote on these forums. There are several threads where people have posted how they use OneNote with photos of what it looks like. 

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