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Beginning Spanish for 11 yo?

Kris in Wis

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Do check out Spanish for Children. It's done by the Latin for Children folks, Classical Academic Press. We are just starting it with an 8 yo, and I think that will be a bit of a stretch. I think it would be a comfortable fit for an 11 yo. And the price is right--so many Spanish programs go over $100, this is about $35 for the book and answer key.



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Also, where they can be purchased inexpensively (if possible)


You can see samples of a couple of pages at The Learnables website: http://www.learnables.com/curr_spanish1.html


Each of the first two sets (book plus CDs) retails for $55 if you buy from the publisher. You can save about $7 per set if you order through Rainbow Resources. You can also save a bit by ordering a whole "level" at once. So, you can get Level 1 (which includes the first two sets) for $99 through the publisher or $85 though Rainbow Resources.

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So You Really Want to Learn Spanish and Spanish for Children. The latter is definitely "lighter" but it ramps up pretty quickly. My ds is also doing Latin in the Christian Trivium Volume II (the first half), so, personally, I didn't want anything too heavy for Spanish. If we were NOT doing two languages I would have used SYRWTLS, but only because he has a strong language background through his Latin.

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I use So You Really Want to Learn Spanish. It is the best I have found. DD is about to start book2 and she has come a long long way. My 10 yr old has begun book1 and is doing just fine. I do not own the cd since I speak spanish. I read the transcript from the TM so can not comment on pronunciation other than to compare it to UK English and American English. Someone from South America will completely understand you. I think it is important to learn both, just as I teach my children how a Brit would pronounce film, or what a biscuit is to them. Cultural literacy if you will.


I have written here about our experience with it.



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Do check out Spanish for Children. It's done by the Latin for Children folks, Classical Academic Press. We are just starting it with an 8 yo, and I think that will be a bit of a stretch. I think it would be a comfortable fit for an 11 yo. And the price is right--so many Spanish programs go over $100, this is about $35 for the book and answer key.




We tried Latin for Children from this publisher, and were frustrated by continual errors in the text and answer key, or missing information. I finally returned the program to them for a refund, as it was such a hassle for us.


I'm wondering, since the Spanish is relatively new, if it is as error-filled as was the first edition of LfC?


Any input on that? Thanks!

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I use So You Really Want to Learn Spanish. It is the best I have found. DD is about to start book2 and she has come a long long way. My 10 yr old has begun book1 and is doing just fine. I do not own the cd since I speak spanish. I read the transcript from the TM so can not comment on pronunciation other than to compare it to UK English and American English. Someone from South America will completely understand you. I think it is important to learn both, just as I teach my children how a Brit would pronounce film, or what a biscuit is to them. Cultural literacy if you will.


I have written here about our experience with it.




This is by the same folks who do Latin Prep, right? We tried that and liked the program very much . . . but the cost was prohibitive, as you had to purchase it through the UK.


Where do you buy yours?

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My 9yo needs it at a slow pace, but an 11yo could handle it just fine. Just be aware that some of their pronunciations are a little different than what you'd hear in the States or in Mexico, since they are focused on Spanish in Spain.



I want to look at this so bad... not just saples... but look.... cause it looks so darn good!

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I did buy mine from the publisher. It was the only option when I first bought them. Now you can get it from Book Depository with FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE or from Ray at Horrible Books. I have ordered from Ray since it became available and am very happy with his service. Read the details on his website. If you need them quick then BD is the better option. Yes they are expensive but worth it for us. All the language books are similar in their approach to teaching a language even though they are all different authors. If you like LP you will most likely like the Spanish books.



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