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Lyme disease in a young child...


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My 18 month old has Lyme disease. She is getting amoxicillin 3 times a day which started Wednesday evening. She will be getting her 6th dose now. She is not better or worse. She has a fever that comes down with ibuprofen and tylenol but sleeps the majority of the day. If she doesn't have ibuprofen in her she's rubbing her head (the tick bite was in her scalp) and eyes and she seems very photosensitive. And of course she's crying a lot. She is drinking ok... I don't know if and when I would need to seek medical advice again. I spend 2 days driving and calling to get her help (we live 30 miles from decent healthcare.) There was a dispute between the doctor who wanted to order doxycycline and the pharmacist said "you can't!" I'm worried I'm undertreating her because I didn't want the doxy either so that's why she's on amoxicillin, which is the drug of choice for children. She was tested for other tickborne illnesses but I'm assuming it'll be next week until we know. I'm not sure how accurate those tests are (if they are like early Lyme tests, the aren't!) The doctor wanted her to have the doxy because the other illness are not covered by amoxicillin. I don't want to go in and have her put on doxy if not absolutely necessary. I don't want to deal with another doctor unless he knows what he's doing! UGH! She's sick, but I don't think she's 'anaplasmosis' sick.... I know there is a lot of advice out there of how to treat Lyme, but I am at the mercy of the local doctors (who probably don't want this angry mother-bear growling at them again!) My question is, when can I expect her to show some improvement?? Now I'm worried I should have let her have the doxy... any advice greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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Generally, even LLMDs don't do doxy in a child that young. Instead, pay attention to the doseage. It needs to be high enough to be bacteriocidal rather than just bacteriostatic. Also, she needs a minimum of thirty days, to cover the lifecycle if the spirochete. Watch her like a hawk for other symptoms, keep a log of everything.


As far as when she'll feel better, she's probably having a herx reaction - they are usually the worst at 3 days and around 28 days. Just keep plugging along.


Pick up some powdered probiotics and florastor, and give it two hours away from the amoxy.


I hope she was diagnosed quickly, and that this is just a minor blip for all of you. My DS had Lyne at three, and no ill effects after his thirty days. But he was treated by my LLMD, who treated me for years.

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I agree w/Spryte - there are age rules on doxy.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm not aware that doxy treats all the common co-infections, such as babesia, bartonella, mycoplasma, anyway.  Those are a whole other ball of wax.

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I agree w/Spryte - there are age rules on doxy.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm not aware that doxy treats all the common co-infections, such as babesia, bartonella, mycoplasma, anyway. Those are a whole other ball of wax.

Absolutely right. Babs and Bart, and others need different treatment. Erlichiosis would be covered by doxy, but amoxy might do the same.


The main thing is treating Lyme thoroughly and quickly. Putting it very simply, Lyme weakens the immune system so the other co-infections can get a leg up. Treating the Lyme quickly can sometimes help the body fight off the other issues.


I had them all, by the way. At least it seems that way. :) Glad you are treating!

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Thanks for all the replies!! I'm not so worried now about her being on 'just' amoxicillin. She is on a high dose. The pharmacist's son had Lyme's a year ago so I felt like she was more help than the doctor! This afternoon she was giggling again and the red spot is smaller. It's just so hard when your baby is miserable to wait it out, especially when there was a dispute over how to treat it. Thanks again everyone!

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