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Calc-based Physics videos?

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Dd is taking AP Physics C at ps next year. (I think the Mech portion).  She has heard that the AP teacher doesn't really teach.  This happened this year too in "honors" Physics, in which she had a useless teacher.  She has a good intuitive logical sense for Physics, and managed to make an A just by figuring thing out herself, but she feels a bit cheated (and feels like it was an easier class than what we did in 8th grade at home).  She thinks she might even like to minor on Physics in college, and it's really annoying her that she's getting these teachers that don't really explain things well or go into enough depth.


I suggested that she just read the text, if she has one (last year was the first year they gave out texts for science classes).  But she says she doesn't want to do extra reading that isn't even assigned on top of her other coursework, and that she'd learn better from a good lecture anyway.


So... I was wondering if maybe anyone knew of a good series of calculus-based Physics lectures, online or on CD, that had a really engaging teacher that explains concepts really well, for her to use when she feels like she'd like some better explanations than she's getting in school.  Normally this school is one that kids make 5's on APs even with B's or less in the class itself, but she hears Physics is an exception - even some kids with A's in the class have a hard time with the actual AP test.  She'd like to be very well prepared for the test, and for more Physics in college.


I'm looking for something that she can pick and choose which ones to watch based on what's going on in her ps class, and not a full enrolled course.  Anything really good out there?

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This http://web.mst.edu/~vojtaa/engphys1/lectures.html


is a one semester calculus based physics (mechanics) course. They have the complete set of video lectures on their course website as mp4s, and each lecture is broken into modules. Lectures and modules are all labeled, so she can pick and choose which concepts she needs help with. The videos are free and available to the public.


The same college has video lectures for the electricity/magnetism semester as well.

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This http://web.mst.edu/~vojtaa/engphys1/lectures.html


is a one semester calculus based physics (mechanics) course. They have the complete set of video lectures on their course website as mp4s, and each lecture is broken into modules. Lectures and modules are all labeled, so she can pick and choose which concepts she needs help with. The videos are free and available to the public.


The same college has video lectures for the electricity/magnetism semester as well.


Thanks!!  I have forwarded the link to the girl to have her take a look!


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Another great (and free) set of physics video lectures online is The Mechanical Universe on Annenberg Learner. It was produced by Caltech, is top quality, & is also calculus-based.


Wow, I have these!  I recorded them onto CD years ago when PBS was running them in the middle of the night!  I even made a list of all the episodes so I could keep track... I do remember the lecturer was a guy from the '70's in big glasses - but then I also seem to remember that there was really interesting stuff in there, not just a video of the guy lecturing.  Thanks for reminding me of these!!


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, not just a video of the guy lecturing.


The ones I linked are not videos of a guy lecturing either. For part of those, you see slides on your screen and hear the instructor narrate; all examples are worked out on screen, the writing appears symbol by symbol (a bit like Khan Academy) and the instructor narrates each step as it appears. You only see the professor for lecture demonstrations and in the introductions.

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