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Guidance Counselor?

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Does the position of Guidance Counselor exist outside of the traditional school system?  For example, are there others who help with the college admission process?  What would be the title of this position and how would one get started?  I can't really find a certification for this type of job, but I may not be searching under the correct title.



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College admissions counselors do exist. The ones that deal with ivy league hopefuls can cost thousands of dollars. If your needs and ambitions are more modest, you can expect to pay a substantial but not outrageous hourly fee.


I've been self-educating on the college admissions process for quite a while, and can recommend the following blogs:


Also selling personal consultation services:


Lee Binz (homeschool, Christian focus) thehomescholar.com


Collegewise (offices nationwide) wiselikeus.com



Also selling non-personal services (group classes, e-books, etc)


Michelle Kretzschmar (former homeschooler, student-athlete focus) diycollegrankings.com (Her 3 dollar kindle book is worth every penny!, her 3 free vimeo videos are must-see as well -- the first and third are the best, the middle one drags a bit but hang in there, #3 gets better)   diycollegerankings.com


Lynn O'Shaughnessy thecollegesolution.com


Public school counselor resource:


hscounselorweek.com   Sign up for this free newsletter -- Patrick O'Connor reads all the college blogs and sends you just the ones most worth your time that week. Stops for the summer when school gets out.



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One of my friends used Jeanette Webb from Aiming Higher Consultants and her children got into really good colleges (and one got into West Point).


I couldn't afford that so just read every book in the public library and did a lot of googling. Doing it that way I managed to help my kids get accepted to almost every college they applied to including Stanford, Univ of Southern California, NYU, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Emory and UNC Chapel Hill.


So you can do it yourself :)

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I am considering my job options when the last of my kids graduate.  I still have 5 years to go, but this seems to be a growing field and by then I will have gone through the college admissions process 3 times.  

Thanks for the information.  I'm going to look into the available training and certifications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have wondered about this as well.  I would pay for this service, and would love to find someone who is familiar with what it takes to get into the University of California schools. Meryl - can you share the name of some of the resources you used? 


Does anyone know how much Aiming Higher charges?


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Just some been there, won't do it again advice:  Before you sign a contract, ask if the consultant will be taking any vacations during the college application season and will, therefore, be unavailable.


I can understand taking Christmas and Christmas Eve off, but not being available for the entire last two weeks of December, when many apps are due the beginning of January is like being a tax accountant and going to a remote island the first two weeks in April.  Had I been aware of the extended vacation, I would never had signed a contract.


Also, if you have to pay a retainer fee upfront for services, make sure that if you don't use up all of the allotted time that you prepaid for, that the balance left in your account will be returned to you.

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I have wondered about this as well.  I would pay for this service, and would love to find someone who is familiar with what it takes to get into the University of California schools. Meryl - can you share the name of some of the resources you used? 


Does anyone know how much Aiming Higher charges?


My oldest is now doing her Masters ... so it was a while ago when I first starting reading books. I pretty much read everything in the local library  - especially those that related to getting in to the more exclusive colleges. And my friend whose kids also applied to those colleges shared everything she was learning with me - including some discussions she had with someone who had been an admissions counselor at Stanford. And then I did a lot of googling etc. After many hours you start to build up a picture of what they are looking for. And then you watch as your own kids and others you know apply - and there is a pattern at who gets in where and who doesn't. And who wins scholarships and who doesn't. 


So .. I know that isn't super helpful but basically I just dived in and spent hours and hours and hours researching and there is no one resource I can point to or even remember.

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