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The new version of TWTM 2009 is this for real?


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Yes:001_smile:, it's real and I hope to buy it new. Since I only have the original and didn't buy the second one, I plan to but the next one just as soon as I have any spending money. Things do change--SWB even got lots of suggestions right from this board, and I'm guessing she had this new edition in mind. I try to buy something new from her from time to time (and I do every year for history) and only sometimes used to help support this board/forum I've garnered so much from.

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That raises th question: How often should we re-purchase this tome?


In her blog SWB says most of the changes have to do with updating curriculum suggestions. I wonder if that couldn't be a much less expensive supplement one could buy from time to time?


Good question! I only purchased the last revision (2004?) this spring :blushing: I think the value in keeping an updated copy is that you can learn about the most current homeschooling resources. However, I don't see why this website and forum can not fill that need.

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Guest Bethany

Ugh, seriously? My husband *just* bought me the revised and updated edition because I told him it was on my wish list. I can't see spending $40 again next year to get the newest. It would be nice, as a previous poster said, to have a supplemental brochure or booklet with all of the new curriculum suggestions, rather than having to get the whole book all over again.

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I have the ORIGINAL version and only barrowed the newest from friends & the library. I WILL purchase this one. My ONLY SWB request and this is a request to ALL book publisher really..


*** When you UPDATE, REVISE a book, -- please change the cover picture! It just makes it easier for a crazy busy mom like me when I'm grabbing a book! :)

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That raises th question: How often should we re-purchase this tome?


In her blog SWB says most of the changes have to do with updating curriculum suggestions. I wonder if that couldn't be a much less expensive supplement one could buy from time to time?




Unless there are major revisions to the plan, I'd do both. The big tome for those just starting out, and the supplement for the old hands.

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